Loki x reader

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Word count: 1,442
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Natasha's POV:
"Help! Someone! Please help me!" Loki cried out, running into the tower carrying a girl in his arms. No, it wasn't just any girl, it was y/n. I put my book down and jogged over. "Loki what the hell happened?!" I asked frantically. "Where's Stark? She needs help." He asked, ignoring the question. "He's in the lab. Get to the elevator. I'll let Tony know you're coming down." I told him. He went to the elevator and repeatedly hit the down button. "Come on come on come on" he said frantically. The doors opened and he got in fast. "Jarvis tell Tony to have a bed prepared. Loki's coming down and he needs help. Have medical equipment ready." I told jarvis.

Tony's POV:
"Mr. Stark, Ms. Romanoff says to have a bed prepared. Loki is coming down and he needs help. Have medical equipment ready." Jarvis's voice rings through the room. "On it jarvis. Thank you." I said. I called Bruce into the room and put away the stuff I was working on. I got out the medical table and got it ready. The doors opened and out stepped Loki. He looks fine, so what-oh shit. I thought to myself. Loki was fine. It was the person he was holding who needed help. It was y/n. "Put her on the table." I tell him. Loki jogs over and lays y/n on the table. She was hurt. Badly. There was blood on Loki's shirt, cuts on y/n's hands and face. "Loki what happened?" I asked, hooking her up to an IV. No reply. "Loki what the hell happened to my daughter!" I yell at him. He didn't respond. He just fell to his knees and cried. "I'm sorry." He whimpered. "Jarvis do a full body scan for injuries, check her pulse, and run all the tests." I say. "On it sir." He says. "Vitals are normal. She is unconscious. She has two broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, and a sprained wrist, along with a mild concussion." Jarvis says. "Jesus Christ y/n what the hell happened to you?" I whisper to her, gently stroking her hair. In my peripheral, I see Loki stand up. He comes over and wipes his eyes. "Do you want to tell me what happened to my daughter?" I ask.

Loki's POV:
Tony pulls up a chair for me. I sit down. We were sitting right next to y/n. "What happened?" He asked sternly. "We were walking... and a car swerved. It tried to hit us. I was already across the street, but I grabbed her arm and tried to pull her out of the way. I wasn't quick enough. She got hit. The car hit a light pole and there was glass everywhere. I pulled her out of the street and into the grass... I carried her all the way back here." I told him. I cried more. "Loki... you aren't one to cry. You clearly like her. And that's fine. You stay here with her. If anything happens alert me immediately. I'm going to get you some tea." He told me. Thats odd... Stark normally doesn't like me. Maybe it's because y/n is hurt. I took her hand in mine. "I love you y/n. I'm sorry I let this happen to you. I'm so so sorry." I whispered. She squeezed my hand. "I know it wasn't your fault." She whispered. I held her hand and brought it up to my forehead. I started crying. Things started beeping. "JARVIS TELL STARK THAT SOMETHING IS WRONG" I yelled, panicking. "He's on his way." In seconds, Tony was back in the lab and running over to her. "What the hell happened?" He asked, having Jarvis check her vitals. "I don't know she talked for a second and then stopped. Then all the alarms started." "Loki leave I need to help her." He said. I obeyed and left the room. I went upstairs to the living room and sit down. "How is she?" Bucky asks. Steve, Bucky, Nat, Thor, and Wanda were all sitting in the living room. I got up and went over to the couch to sit next to Thor. Steve was standing in the doorway.

Tony's POV:
I figured out what the problem was and got the alarms to turn off. She had stopped breathing and somehow pulled out her IV without moving. But she was fine now. I put her IV back in and got her to breathe again. I had Bruce watch her while I went upstairs to tell everyone that she's ok. "How is she?" Steve asked, walking over to me as soon as I got up the stairs. "She'll be fine. I'm going to check up on her every hour. You guys go to bed." I say. They all get up and go to their rooms. But Loki didn't. "Loki go to bed you need some rest." I tell him. "No. I'm going down to be with y/n." He says, standing up and walking to the stairs. "She's in the lab in case you forgot." I tell her. "Oh no, I didn't forget. I'm going to put on pajamas first." Loki says, going up the stairs to his room. He comes back down in a pair of plain straight pajamas. The two of us go to the stairs and go down to the lab. "I'll get a cot that you can sleep on." I say, going into one of the storage closets and getting a cot. I rolled it over to y/n's bed and put it next to her. She had an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose so she could breathe. She had IVs in both her arms. Bandages covering her wounds and stitches. "Goodnight honey. I love you." I say, kissing her on the forehead and leaving the room.

Loki's POV:
Tony gave y/n a kiss on the forehead and then left the room. I grabbed a blanket and a pillow and got on the cot. It was actually pretty comfortable. I took y/n's hand in mine, and gave her a kiss. "Goodnight, my love. See you when I awake." I whisper. I lay back and fall asleep. The next morning, I got up and put away my cot. Tony came down with some breakfast and to check in on y/n. "Here's some breakfast. How is she?" He asked. "She's been in and out of consciousness. Very obvious brain activity though. When she is awake she'll squeeze my hand or say something quietly. Thanks for bringing me breakfast." I tell him. "No problem. I'm glad to hear she's been in and out. It's better than her being fully out." He tells me. "If she comes around let me know." He adds.

Y/n's POV:
Loki was talking to me and holding my hand. I woke up and saw Loki laying on a cot next to me. "Jarvis is Loki ok?" I whispered. "Yes Miss y/n. He is fine." The AI whispered back. I squeezed his hand gently and went back to sleep. "Dad?" I whispered. I woke up to a very bright room. Loki was in a chair nearby, and dad was working on some fancy technology. "Good morning princess." Loki said, walking over and taking my hand in his. "Tony she's awake." He said. Dad came rushing over. "Oh sweetie are you alright?" He said, kissing me on the forehead. "I feel fine. Can I have some food?" I asked. "How do you feel? Other than hungry." He asked me. "Everything hurts." I told him. "Understandable. I'll get you some breakfast. You are free to go back upstairs just as long as someone goes with you wherever you go. You'll also need to bring that IV with you." He tells me. "Ok. I'll come upstairs then. I wanna see everyone else." I tell him. Loki helped me up, and I grabbed the IV pole for support. My arm was in a sling, and my wrist in a cast. It hurt to move because of my broken ribs. "Loki can you help me?" I pleaded. "Of course sweetie. He said. He put my arm around his shoulder and we walked to the elevator to go get some breakfast.

A/n~ hey so I know it's been a while since I've updated with an actual chapter, and I know this isn't specifically Loki x reader, but Loki and y/n are in a relationship so don't hate on me. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you later my loves! ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰

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