Loki x Reader

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Word count: 1,038

In this story Loki is your theater teacher at your college and you are his student. You are a senior, age 23.

Y/n's POV:
It was the last day of my sophomore year of college. I had gotten my teacher a gift and written a letter that I put in the bag. In said letter, i included my phone number. Not in a romantic way, but so that he could contact me if he wanted to talk over the summer and give me assignments because I'm running costumes for our summer show. After his class, I went down to his desk instead of out the door. "I got this for you." I said with a smile, handing him the bag. "Why Thank you!" He said. "You're welcome." I said. Then, I left. I had other classes to get to. I felt guilty immediately. I shouldn't have put my phone number in the letter. But, I just continued my day as normal.

Loki's POV:
Y/n handed me a gift bag. "Why Thank you!" I said. "You're welcome" she said, and then left. When she left the room, I pulled out the envelope on top. Then I pulled out the tissue paper. I saw a mug and took it out. It had a black letter L on the front. I set it on the desk and then picked up the envelope. It also had my name on it. I opened it and pulled out a slip of paper, which I unfolded. I read the letter. It was honestly kind of sad. It basically was a thank you for always being there for her and helping her. And there, at the bottom of the page, was her phone number.

Y/n's pov:

I had rehearsal at the campus on Monday. I don't know how I'm supposed to face him. He's probably mad at me for putting my phone number on the letter. I sent him an email and he hasn't replied. It has been three days. I gave him the letter on Wednesday. It's Saturday and he hasn't replied yet. God I hope he isn't mad.  But, I just continued my weekend and tried not to think about it.

It's Monday. I pulled up to the campus and walked into the building that rehearsal was in. We started, and I did my job. "Alright let's take a ten minute break so be back at 4:30." He said. He started walking up to the back where I was sitting. "Can I speak to you in my classroom?" He said with a stern look on his face. I got up and followed him out and down the hall to his classroom. "Why did you do it? Why did you put your phone number in the letter? I can't date you! It's technically illegal! You're 23! I'm 33! WE CAN'T DO THIS." He said, his voice rising as he spoke. "Okay I get it! I shouldn't have done it! It was a dumb decision. I should've listened to Ava. She said you'd take it the wrong way and she was right. But I didn't listen. It wasn't your fault it was mine. And it was your heart on the line. I really fucked it up this time, didn't I? Of course I did. I always do. I fuck up everything. I'm just one major fuck up. And you don't care. You never cared. I'm worthless to you, huh? I'm only good for costumes! That's all! You never put me in shoes because I'm not good enough! You never even gave me good parts in class productions because I'm. Not. Good enough. I should've seen it from the beginning. I'm just a mistake. A nobody" He cut me off. "Stop telling yourself these things." He said, turning to me. "What? Stop telling myself the truth? Stop saying what needs to be said?" I said loudly and angrily. "It's not what needs to be said! You're a great actress!" He said, putting his hand on my shoulder as I sank to the floor. "Then why didn't you give me a chance? Why didn't you give me a part? You don't care." I said with tears in my eyes. "Yes I do! I do care! I care about you more than anyone else! I heard about what happened, ok? I was heart broken for you. I didn't want you to be hurting. All I wanted to do was help you and be there for you. But I couldn't. Because it was unprofessional." He said, also tearing up. "Y-you heard about what happened with James?" I said, looking into Loki's eyes. "Yes. I did. And I'm sorry." He said. "I will always be here for you no matter what happens." He added. I threw my arms around him and sobbed. "Hey. It's okay. You'll be ok. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you. It was just a foolish mistake. I get it. We all make mistakes." He said, holding me close while I cried. "It wasn't in a romantic way. I didn't put it there in romantically. I don't want to date you, no offense. I did it so you can tell me what I need to bring in, what my newest assignments are, and what I miss while I'm gone in North Carolina during tech week. And because communication is important with people you care about." I said between sobs. "Ah." He said understandingly. "My alarm is going off. We have to go back into the auditorium. Are you ready to go back? Or do you want to wait in here for a bit and come back when you are?" He asked gently. "I think I can go back in." I said, wiping my tears from my cheeks. "Ok. Come with me." He said. The two of us walked back into the auditorium and I got back to work.

A/n~ hey guys! It's been a few days since I've uploaded the last chapter. I wrote this in like 30 minutes because I got an idea and just quickly put it down on paper so I didn't forget it. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Gn my loves! ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰

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