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The twigs stabbing Sebastian's palms were starting to draw blood. He could feel the red river seeping into the dirt beneath him.

Imogen and Ajax knelt beside him with their reddened faces pointed toward the forest floor. The ordinaire had her hands clasped behind her head, her sword lying useless on the ground a few feet away. Ajax had his hands behind his back. Three lesser Shades stood with their weapons pointed at his face.

More Shades stood around them, palms raised and vayrirs summoned.

It didn't take them long to find Makaela's shadowtrail.

The dark magicians arrived minutes after their escape from Castle Braexus. Sebastian didn't even know where they were. He heard waves splashing against cliffs to the north and a village sitting atop a hill loomed in the distance. His gut said southern Europe. Spain. Maybe France. He couldn't be sure.

He was sure of one thing, though.

They were in serious trouble.

"Just wait until Father gets here," Amora whispered in his ear. She grabbed his neck, forcing his head down and digging her sharp nails into his skin. He bit back a curse.

He had no quip for her. Nor did he have the energy to reason with her. He had no leverage, no leg to stand on. There wouldn't be any more running. The Order had caught them-actually caught them. There was no way out of this one.

Moments later, Igor and Ulrich entered the thicket they convened in. Branches bent toward them, reaching like the arms of the dead. Their leaves swayed in the night, creating a harrowing symphony as the wind rifled through their gaps. The moon peeked through above, desperately trying to get a glimpse of the action.

Sebastian grabbed two fistfuls of dirt and slammed his eyes shut.

He should've known the Shades would've followed them immediately. Had it been him conducting the jump, his trail wouldn't have been so easy to spot. But Makaela led their journey. She brought them...wherever they were.

His throat tightened at the thought of her.

There was no way to tell if she was nearby. For all he knew, she, Remy, and Olivier could've landed on the other side of the forest. Or somewhere in the town. They hadn't be captured by Shades, though. He knew that much.

A swirl of shadows manifested in the center of the clearing. A ram-faced man rose from the blackness.


Sebastian gulped.

"The dark lord will be joining us shortly." He turned to his former student. Disappointment rolled off his shoulders like a waterfall. "We all expected more from you, little prince."

"Yeah, well..." Sebastian spat at the ground near the man's feet. "We don't always get what we wish for."

Emile huffed.

Moments later, Ulrich and Igor joined them with two unconscious magicians in their clutches. Sebastian's eyes widened. Oh no.

Remy's head hung limply as Igor carried him as if he were a sleeping child. He didn't look harmed, but he had certainly been charmed. The same couldn't be said for Olivier. The lightweaver sported a fresh cut along his forehead. Ulrich dragged his body through the thick grass like a ragdoll.

The pair of Shades dumped their bodies next to their other captives.

Sebastian stared at Remy. It didn't even look like he was breathing. His stomach churned.

Ulrich dragged Olivier behind him like a ragdoll.

"Now to find the girl," Igor said with a grunt.

The Black Lotus | Vol.1, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now