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Achilles and Thorian revolved around each other with magic spewing from their hands like geysers gushing out scalding hot water. The contrasting colors of their magic-the valiant green of Achilles' clashing with the sinister violet of Thorian's-ignited the air, illuminating the faces of those silently watching the duel in anticipation.

Makaela stared on with her feet rooted to the ground.

Two of the most powerful magicians of their time were battling to the death right before her very eyes. She hadn't seen most of the fight between her father and Thorian. Most of those memories were locked away in an iron chest wrapped in titanium chains and deadbolted with the heaviest locks known to man.

But the duel before her was truly a sight to behold.

The pair of elder magicians matched each other for power. Their strikes and attacks canceled out at every turn.

With a grunt, Achilles swung his sword downwards, aiming for Thorian's head. The dark magician spun out the way, simultaneously conjuring his scythe. Hooking Achilles' blade to the side, he jabbed the long handle of his vayrir into the older man's chest.

The king of the Brynjirs wasn't fazed in the slightest. He responded with a series of heavy strikes, forcing Thorian backward as he struggled to defend against them. Even in his old age, Achilles was still the most fearsome fighter in House Brynjir. Thorian might've been the more skilled caster, but Achilles was the stronger combatant by a clear margin.

Fear flashed across Thorian's features, sweat dripping from his brow. Heaving, he staggered backward.

The Black Lotus was out of his element.

Makaela had been holding her breath since the duel began. Her gaze shifted between the two magicians as if she were watching a tennis match.

Behind her, Amora stepped forward. "Finish it, Father!" she shouted. "Kill him!"

Makaela tensed.

Part of her wanted to reach out and punch the girl, but she still couldn't bring herself to move.

Looking to her side, she spotted Imogen kneeling beside Sebastian's body. She had his face in her hands. He still wasn't moving. The thought of him being... She banished the thought to the deepest part of her mind. She couldn't afford to think like that. Not now.

She forced herself to look away. It wouldn't stop the tears from falling, though.

Ahead of her, the battle continued.

"I will succeed," Thorian said with a grimace. He swung his scythe at Achilles' head. The man jumped back, raising his blade to block the strike.

"Not while I'm alive."

"You won't be for much longer."

They pressed their weapons against each other, grappling for dominance. Achilles' face dripped with exertion, his skin quickly turning red. Thorian pressed harder. A thick vein bulged against his temple. The Obscurio flared brightly on his hand.

Makaela froze.

Thorian shadowjumped behind the battlemage. Before he could turn, the dark magician swept his legs out from under him. With a triumphant grin, he held the tip of his scythe beneath his chin.

"No!" Makaela shouted. Creating a shard of light, she prepared to sprint toward the two men but was quickly tackled to the ground by Amora. She kicked and clawed and screamed at the girl. Her nails even drew blood against her pale skin. Still, she couldn't get free.

Tears blurred in her vision as she went limp in the girl's arms. She watched helplessly as Thorian held Achilles hostage with his curved blade. Yet, in the face of death, he rose to one knee and tilted his head upward. His green eyes blazed like hot coals.

The Black Lotus | Vol.1, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now