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Makaela sprung up from her seat, nearly hitting her head into the ceiling. A few people around her shot her weird glances. She sunk beneath her seat, her face hot with embarrassment.

Outside, the snow continued to drop from the heavens. Much more of it than before. It looked like they were driving through the middle of a blizzard. She could barely see a few yards away from the bus. She couldn't tell if they were in Canada still. None of the names on the signs on the highway were familiar to her.

According to them, they were just outside of a place called Detroit. The word sounded ugly on her tongue as she repeated it to herself. She wasn't a fan of some of the names of these places, she had to admit.

Sebastian snored lightly to her left. His head was leaning against the window now, his long hair covering part of his face. She wanted to reach out and push the wild strands out of the way, but she resisted the temptation.

Up ahead, she noticed Remy and Imogen were awake. The two of them were having a very animated conversation about something, but Makaela was too far away to hear.

She peered outside her window again. Her nose crinkled at the sea of grey and white.

"This weather sucks," she grumbled, her lips pouting.


She flinched and nearly hit her head on the ceiling again. Sebastian was awake now. His eyes were low and slightly red. Yawning, he pushed his black hair out of his face. He had just woken up and still looked amazing.

Makaela looked away from him.

"How was your dream?" he asked.

"How'd you know I was dreaming?"

"I woke up halfway from my nap," he explained. "I've seen what dreamwatching looks like, and I'm pretty sure that's what you were doing."

She gave him a confused stare.

How does he know what dreamwatching looks like?

"My father," he answered without her even having to ask. "He dreamwatches. Almost every night it seems."

She went cold.

"Go on, then," Sebastian said. "What did you see?"

Swallowing hard, she nodded. "I didn't do it on purpose. It just sort of...happened."

"You'll be able to control it with more practice."

I hope so.

Learning that Thorian had the same skill she had rattled her. If he could dreamwatch too, did that mean he had been watching her? She shook her head and dismissed the thought. It would only drive her crazy. She chewed on her lip, trying to cling to the fleeting details of the dream she experienced just minutes before.

"I was in some sort of meeting room with Thorian and a few Shades-"

Sebastian's eyes lit up. "You were in his secret room?"

"Secret room?" She suppressed a grin.

"Get your mind out the gutter, Makaela." He rolled his eyes. "It's where he goes to brood and plan missions with his top Shades. There's supposed to be twelve of them. They're called the Knights of the Black Lotus. I was supposed to become one but..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I think my invitation might've been revoked."

Makaela giggled at his joke before continuing to explain her dream. "I think he's sending werewolves to track us down. They don't know where we're headed, though." Her eyes widened. "Oh, yeah. He also mentioned they were going to begin preparing for something. Do you know what he meant by that?"

The Black Lotus | Vol.1, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now