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In an attempt to get them to the bus terminal faster, Imogen slid their taxi driver a twenty-dollar note. As soon as he saw the bill, he pressed his foot on the gas and sent them blaring down the street like a bat out of hell. He hit a hard right, sending Sebastian's face crashing into the window. Makaela crashed into him, her arms wrapping around his neck. He didn't mind one bit.

"Sorry," she grumbled as she peeled herself off him. "We probably should've put these seat belts on."

He grunted in reply. The subway ride hadn't bothered him. Being inside the taxi made him want to vomit. His head buzzed with the force of a thousand bumblebees. He hoped the bus wouldn't be more of the same. If he had to spend hours inside that thing while his head felt like it was trapped inside a tsunami, he was going to lose it.

Gritting his teeth, he latched onto the handle hanging from the ceiling of the car for dear life.

They arrived outside the bus terminal in the next twenty minutes.

As soon as they pulled up to the sidewalk, Sebastian pried the door open and jumped out faster. It took all his self-control to not kiss the ground. He had never been so happy to be back on solid ground. Shadowjumping ten times simultaneously-which usually made him queasier beyond belief-beat driving around in a lousy taxi any day.

"Keep the change," Imogen said as she tossed a wad of cash at the driver. She closed the door behind her and sped off toward the building up ahead. As she passed by the trio of magicians, she quietly urged them to follow.

Sebastian noticed the nervous look on her face. "What did you do?"

"It's better we get out of here before the taxi driver realizes I didn't pay him the full fare."

Nodding, he took over after her. Makaela and Remy followed closely behind.

As they entered the inside of the terminal, shouts rang out behind them. Bystanders turned to look, confusion present on their faces. Fortunately for them, the taxi driver didn't come chasing after them. Sebastian had gotten a decent look at him while inside his cab, though. The man definitely wasn't in the kind of shape to be running after anyone.

The inside of the bus station was a lot different from the metro station.

For starters, it was above ground. Arches stretched across the high ceilings, expansive windows making up most of the rear and front walls. Light poured inside, filling the building with natural light. Multiple small stores populated the space, some selling newspapers and others offering food and drinks. As Sebastian passed by a coffee shop, his stomach roared louder than a Belgian manticore. The snacks Remy stole back at the motel hadn't done much to satisfy his hunger. He needed a real meal.

Imogen led them through the terminal, directing them toward a counter where a uniformed woman stood behind. Pamphlets and maps were stacked neatly before them, along with a computer screen. The woman smiled brightly at them as they approached her.

"Hello! How can I help you today?"

Sebastian squinted at the woman. He never understood how people could be so friendly to strangers. Her smile faltered after she noticed his unimpressed stare.

Makaela nudged him before whispering, "you look like you hate her."

I do.

He hated all ordinaires. Well, almost all of them. The jury was still out on Imogen. She had saved them twice now. He supposed she was alright. It didn't matter what he thought about her, though. Once they figured out how to wipe her memory, she wouldn't matter to him anymore.

Then he would have one less problem to worry about.

Imogen stepped forward, shooting Sebastian a strange look as she did so. Shaking her head, she leaned on the counter and flashed a grin at the concierge. "We need four tickets on the last bus to Chicago."

The Black Lotus | Vol.1, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now