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Makaela studied Sebastian's face as he slept. He had fallen asleep mere minutes after the bus pulled away from the station and headed for the interstate leading out of Montreal. His head was pointed upward slightly, his features deathly still.

He didn't even snore.

She imagined sleeping beside him at night must've felt like sleeping next to a ghost.

An hour quickly passed by, most of it spent watching the landscape blur into streaks of grey and white outside her window. Thin sheets of snow fell from the sky now, covering everything in sight.

She was glad to be on the bus. The cold never was kind to her.

With a sigh, she glanced up ahead at the other passengers sitting around her. Most were asleep, like Sebastian. Others occupied themselves by reading, listening to music, or conversing with their fellow passengers. Makaela spotted Remy and Imogen up ahead. They both were out cold, their heads resting on each other.

Squirming in her seat, she tried to force down the immense feeling of boredom creeping up around her. Her knees were starting to lock, and her seat wasn't exactly the most comfortable thing to sit on. She wasn't sure how much longer she would be able to stay inside the bus without losing her marbles.

Her eyes flickered down to the box in her lap.

Despite weighing a few pounds, it suddenly felt like an anchor. If she wasn't careful, it would drag her through the floor. She averted her eyes, opting to stare out the window again. After seeing nothing worth her time, she brought them back to the golden container before her.

She didn't want anything to do with it. Had it been up to her, she would've left it behind.

It wasn't up to her, though. Not anymore. Her housemates died for that ring. Her parents gave their lives just to protect it. Xander, Uncle Olivier... Too many lives were sacrificed to keep that ring out of the wrong hands. The legacy of House Lumai and the lightweavers lived within that golden gemstone. It was her duty to protect it at all costs.

Biting down on her lip, she traced the familiar symbols carved into the lid. The padlock keeping the container closed clattered against the hard surface as the bus hit a bump in the road. She mulled over Sebastian's words from earlier.

"You're going to have to learn to use it eventually..."

The thought of wearing it terrified her. Her hands trembled at the thought of calling upon its power.

But he was right.

Even without his Eldenarian Artifact, Thorian was one of the most powerful casters of the modern era. The fight with the Order of the Black Lotus wouldn't end after they arrived in Hodvekt. It would only be the beginning. She would have to prepare. She would have to train her skills to even stand a chance against the man and his dark forces.

Her fingers closed around the padlock.

A quick peek wouldn't hurt.

With a quick unlocking charm, the lock dropped into her hand. She stashed it into the pocket of her coat before carefully opening the box. Bright light poured from inside, emitting from the Illumio's gemstone itself. She quickly slammed the container shut, her heart jumping inside her mouth.

No one around her noticed, though. They were either fast asleep or distracted by the weird ear-muff devices clamped over their ears.

She released a shaky breath. Then she opened the box again. The warm golden rays kissed her midnight skin, illuminating her face. The Illumio sat in the center of the box, attached to a finger-shaped stand built into the bottom.

The Black Lotus | Vol.1, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now