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Makaela couldn't string a single thought together. Her nerves were on fire, her pain receptors threatening to explode like an overheated generator.

Thorian showed no signs of dropping his hex. Its effects only worsened with each passing moment. She cried out again, her muscles tightening as her back arched against the hardwood floor. The man remained knelt beside her, his dark magic swirled around his hands.

"Give me the ring," he demanded. A vein bulged against his temple.

Even though the agony plaguing her entire being was unbearable, she wouldn't give up the Illumio. She couldn't even if she wanted to. She didn't know where it was.

Behind her, two sets of footsteps thundered down the stairs. Her breath hitched. Remy. Xander. They both yelled her name as they came down. Struggling to turn her head, she spotted Remy and Xander arriving at the bottom of the staircase. Her cousin trembled in the wake of the Shades. Xander stood in front of him, his glasses hanging on his nose. A stern look covered the old man's leathery face.

Thorian dropped his hands. His hex vanished, taking the pain with it. Beneath him, Makaela gasped for air. Black spots dotted her vision.

Equipping his mask, he turned to his magicians. "Kill them. Find the ring."

They nodded before rushing at their targets.

While Makaela recovered—her skin still feeling like it was being punctured by a million tiny knives—she watched Xander conjure a golden shield charm. As spells bounced and dissipated off his defense, he pushed Remy away.

"Go now!" he croaked, straining under the attacks.

Remy nodded vehemently and bolted for the hallway, nearly tripping over himself in the process. Rabbit Face bolted after him. Vulture and Owl continued pelting Xander with various attacks, ranging from battlemagic to shadoweaving. They weren't pulling their punches either. Deep cracks riddled the old man's shield charm. It would break within seconds if they didn't let up.

Makaela crawled forward. She still couldn't stand. Her body was just starting to regain her motor skills. Cursing, she glanced behind her at her uncle. He still laid in a heap near the door. Wincing, she forced herself to her feet. Her knees wobbled like a newborn doe's.

Xander had been pushed into the dining room, the two Shades hot on his tail. Their attacks ricocheted off his shield charm, leaving smoldering patches in the white furniture as they collided.

With the Shades gone, Makaela rushed over to her uncle.

Thorian remained in the center of the room. He remained still, unmoving like a statue. She didn't care what he was doing at the moment. Her uncle needed help. Pressing her fingers to his throat, she searched for a pulse.

Come on...come on...

A few gut-twisting moments of silence later, she found it. She exhaled in relief. Performing a quick healing charm with her lightweaving, she pressed her hand to his back to close the wound that opened. Once all that was left was the blood soaking through his sweater, she pressed her lips to the top of his head.

"I'll come back for you. I promise."

Lifting her head, she assessed the battle occurring in the dining room. Without a second thought, she sprinted past Thorian and jumped into battle.

Before Vulture and Owl could take notice of her, her spell had already left her hands. A blast of blinding light left her palms and slammed into the nearest Shade. Vulture cried out before crashing through a wall. A portrait dropped from its hook and collapsed onto his head.

The Black Lotus | Vol.1, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now