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Sebastian had an hour to learn everything there was to know about the Prophecy of Eight.

Fortunately, Castle Braexus boasted one of the most expansive libraries among the magic community. After shadowjumping out the dungeons, he made his way through the central corridor and toward the library. His robes flapped behind him as he jogged through the halls. A few of the other Shades shot him strange glances as he went by.

He paid them no mind.

He had questions. He needed answers.

Within minutes, he arrived outside the massive black doors of the library. The brass handles loomed large ahead of him, beckoning him forward. Nodding to himself, he grabbed them both and pulled the doors open.

Much of his childhood was spent in libraries, though, not by choice. He despised reading and everything related to it. But if wanted to be a competent magician and eventual Shade, he needed to learn to love it.

The library was empty, save for a bald magician sitting at a table alone with a stack of spell books next to him. Sebastian cursed. He needed to pass him to get to the divination section.

He really wasn't in the mood to talk to Emile.

Sighing, he raised his hood and tiptoed through an aisle of books adjacent to the man's reading area. He kept his head low, but the shelves weren't tall enough for him to fully hide behind. Just as he was about to exit, he heard Emile clear his throat.

He froze beside a bookshelf housing hundreds of volumes of Mortar's Beast Guides.

Just my luck.

"Sebastian, I know that's you."

Lowering his hood, he turned and flashed a fake smile at the man over a set of bookcases. "Hey, Emile... What're you doing in here? It's a little past your bedtime, no?"

The man chuckled dryly. Light from the dripping candle on the table glinted off his mahogany skin. Kind, brown eyes stared back at Sebastian.

"Catching up on some reading." He gestured at a book containing psychic magic spells. He raised a thin eyebrow at the boy across from him. "And you?"

"Was just looking for something. I'll get out of your hair—"

Emile shot him an unimpressed look.

Sebastian stifled a grin. "I promise that wasn't on purpose."

"What are you looking for, Sebastian."

"Er..." He trailed off, dropping his gaze to the floor.

He wasn't sure whether to tell the man or not. Out of all the Shades, Emile was probably the sanest. He was also the nicest. The two traits likely went hand-in-hand. Growing up, Sebastian knew the man as his father's advisor. Since joining the Order, he realized he was the commander of the twelve knights, the second-highest-ranking Shade in the entire guild.

That meant he reported everything straight to Thorian.

Sebastian didn't want his father knowing what he was doing. He didn't need to raise any suspicion. Especially not tonight.

"I'll ask you again." Emile closed his book and rose from his seat. Suddenly his eyes weren't so kind anymore. "What are you doing in the library tonight, Sebastian?" He gulped. "You have a mission to prepare for."

An idea popped into his head.

"Exactly," he began. "Which is why I came here to find a spell book. Wanted to brush up on my skills before we left."

The Black Lotus | Vol.1, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now