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"Is she still sleep?"


"She's been out for hours. I'm starting to get worried."

"Oh, so now you're worried? You weren't worried before?"

"You know what I mean."

Makaela's eyes fluttered open. An immense amount of pressure pressed against her forehead, like a geyser waiting to shoot into the air. Wincing, she gently touched the back of her head. A bandage had been wrapped around her wound. Her eyes fell to her shoulder, which had also been covered with a patchwork job of gauze and medical tape. A red patch bled through the white material. Whoever had done it was clearly not well-versed in first aid.

The pain, albeit not as bad as the night before, was still there.

She lifted her head. A mattress fitted with a thin sheet was underneath her. Stiff springs pressed into her skin. She could already feel the knots forming in her back. Thick blinds covered the single window across from the bed, blocking out the morning light.


How long had she been asleep? She swung her legs over the side, her toes grazing what felt like carpet. Her nose wrinkled at the odd odor rising from the floor.


Yawning, she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes

"Where are we?"

Sebastian, who was stood next to the window, peered at her over his shoulder. Bags hung beneath his dark eyes. "A motel. We're somewhere in Montreal. Don't even ask me how." He gestured at the ring on his finger. "This thing brought us here, not me."


She was finally able to get a good look at the boy. Or, rather, young man. They weren't children anymore. That was for sure.

Puberty had done a number on him. At his essence, he was still his old, moody self. He was taller now, though. Much taller. A lithe, yet built, frame hid beneath his clothes. She could see the faint traces of muscles in his arms, which he had folded across his chest. Tattoos covered his arms. Skull earrings hung from his ears and his long hair suggested he belonged in a rock band.

That wasn't all, though.

An aura of sadness surrounded him, hanging over his head like a storm cloud. Makaela could practically feel the suppressed hurt radiating from him. A frown tugged at her lips.

Rolling his eyes, he looked away from her. "Take a picture next time."

"What?" Her cheeks burned. She dropped her gaze to the burgundy carpet.

"You were staring."

"I was not."

Remy, who sat at a small table off to the side, looked up from the deck of playing cards in his hands. "Er, you kind of were."

"Shut it, Remy."

"Yes, ma'am."

She scoffed at Sebastian. "I see you're an asshole now."

"I've always been an asshole, Makaela."

At least they agreed on that.

He was only ever kind to ger when they were alone. It was only then where she got to see him for who he truly was. When they were around others, he acted just like everyone else from his house-entitled, snobby, and dismissive. She never took it personally, though. House Tenebris had a reputation to uphold. But now that she was thinking about it, she couldn't believe she had a crush on him in the first place. She decided to blame her raging hormones.

The Black Lotus | Vol.1, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now