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It was a perfect day for a funeral.

The sky was a dull gray and dotted with pensive clouds threatening to cry. Birds cawed above as they tore through the air. Beyond the thick, stormy veil, the sun fought to reveal itself. Even it wanted to pay its respects to the dead.

The entire population of Hodvekt had seemingly come out of their homes to honor their fallen leader. They all stood on the shore of the twin rivers tucked at the base of the snow-capped mountain range surrounding the village, sullen looks on their hardened faces.

Sebastian observed the funeral pyres sitting atop wooden ships bobbing on the surface of the rivers. Weapons, shields, and old pieces of armor decorated the pyres. At the very front of the ships was a much larger vessel. It held a single casket crafted out of gold and encrusted with emeralds.

He could see the vague outline of Achilles' still face.

It didn't feel real. Achilles Washington, the greatest battlemage of the modern era. Dead. This had to be a dream. Or, rather, a nightmare. He wanted to wake up. But as he looked around at the solemn faces of those around him, he knew he was already awake.

At his side, Ajax stood with an arm wrapped around his mother. Catherine stared ahead with silent tears rolling down her face. His three brothers were with them, along with Remy and Imogen.

Makaela remained off to the side dressed in black. She hadn't spoken a word to Sebastian since their talk in the woods last night. He wasn't sure if she had spoken to anyone since then. He watched as she ran her thumb against the black medallion in her hand.

Sebastian knew exactly what it was. Much like Jasper's honorary Shade mask, the medallion was a jumpkey. His was it would take her straight to Castle Braexus. Right into Thorian's clutches.

Under no circumstance was he to let her use it.

He didn't know the full extent of her conversation with his father, but he knew his old man. Thorian likely made her a proposal; the Illumio in return for her uncle's life would've been the wager. His word couldn't be trusted. Every promise he'd ever made had been broken-one way or another. The man didn't care about Makaela. He didn't care about anyone. Sometimes Sebastian wondered if he even cared about himself.

All that seemed to matter was the completion of his quest.

Someone near the front of the crowd blew a horn. The note was long and somber as it broke through the air like the daggers of sunlight escaping the stormy clouds above.

No one spoke. There was nothing to say.

House Brynjir was in mourning.

Eventually, Ajax stepped forward. He was dressed in a collared shirt the color of the pine needles around him. For once, it looked like he brushed his unruly hair. His orange beard had been twisted into braids, decorated with green and white beads. Sebastian had never seen him dress so formal before.

His housemates stared back at him. Expecting. Waiting.

Ajax faced the crowd and started to sing.

The people of Hodvekt bowed their heads and beat their fists against their shields. The slow, building beat reverberated through Sebastian's bones. He didn't know the song Ajax sang, but he could feel the emotion in the boy's rumbling voice. He felt the pain in his words, in his eyes.

The song was for his father.

When he finished, so did the Brynjirs.

"Many great men and women were lost in battle yesterday," Ajax said. "Among them was our chief, our king. Achilles Ódinn Bjørn Washington. They gave their lives protecting our home. For as long as our house stands, their sacrifice will never be forgotten. We will sing songs about them, stories will be written in their names. Their memories will forever live in our hearts."

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