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Upon arriving outside Olivier's study, the pair crouched behind the door and pressed their ears to the wood. The voices inside were muffled, barely making it through the thick wood of the door. Makaela couldn't tell if it was due to them whispering or if a charm was being put to use.

"I can't hear anything," she hissed.

"Me neither..." Remy's eyes widened. She watched as the metaphorical lightbulb appeared above his head.

"Talk to me."

"I saw this spell in a book," he told her. "If a charm is being used, it'll cancel it out. If not, their voices should come through clear as day."

Makaela patted him on the back. "This is why I keep you around."

Rolling his eyes, he ignored her and prepared to cast. His fingers twisted and formed the shapes of the charm he mentioned. A thin, transparent film coated his casting hand. He carefully placed it on the door. His free hand performed another quick sequence.

Seconds later, Xander's voice came flooding through.

"—another two dead." Xander sighed.

Makaela sucked in another breath. More of her housemates had been murdered. Soon there wouldn't be any more of them left to kill.

She shuddered at the thought.

Despite not even knowing most of those who fell to the Shades during the purge, a piece of her heart broke every time she learned of their deaths. They might not have accepted her when she was alive, but they were still family. And all she could do was watch as they were slaughtered.

All because of her.

"Where were these two?" Olivier inquired.

Xander took a moment to reply. "Closer to us. They were hiding in an ordinaire city out in Ottawa."

Makaela paled. Her blood ran colder than ice. Ottawa was only two hours from Montreal, the location of their hideout. The Shades and their forces were getting closer. Too close.

She peered at Remy. His face was pointed toward the floor, angry tears filling his eyes. Makaela rubbed his back, silently consoling him. She wasn't the only one who lost people during the purge of their people.

"He's getting bolder," Olivier said. His tone was dark, bridled rage lingering beneath his words. "He's breaking our rules."

"Since when has he been one to follow rules?"

"Still...even he knows to keep away from the ordinaires."

A short silence passed between them before Olivier posed another question.

"Do you think they know our position?"

"It's hard to say," Xander answered. "But judging by the nature of their deaths, Ophelia and Alec may have relinquished information to the Order. The Shades can be...quite persuasive."

Makaela bit down so hard on her lip that she drew blood. But the pain flaring in her mouth and the blood trickling onto her tongue was nothing compared to the pain erupting inside her heart.

She knew Ophelia and her husband, Alec. They were cousins of her father. Guilt swelled in her chest. She clenched her fists, fingernails digging into the skin of her palms. People were dying, dying for her, while she hid away. Like a coward. Like a scared little girl.

It made her sick.

"Did he do it personally?" Olivier asked.

He? She pressed her ear harder against the door.

The Black Lotus | Vol.1, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now