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Once Sebastian convened with the others at the rendezvous point, they searched for the Nightfall.

"How do you not know where the club is?" Imogen asked as they wandered around. "You do know this Jasper guy right?"

"Yes," he said through gritted teeth. "I've never seen the place from the outside. I either got there via portal or jumpkey." Squinting a few street signs, he continued leading the group toward where he thought the club was. "It's around here somewhere."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Just trust me, okay?"

Imogen held her hands up. "Whatever you say, Captain."

Makaela glared at her. "He knows what he's doing."

While he was grateful for the backup, Imogen's questions weren't baseless. He didn't know what he was doing. He wasn't even sure if they headed the right way. And the more he walked and took note of the outfits being worn by people waiting to get into different clubs, he realized they were severely underdressed.

They probably should've picked up some outfits. It wasn't like they had any money, though.

Ten more minutes of aimless walking passed. Sebastian's feet ached, his stomach was empty, and Remy complaining about being lost made his head spin. He was ready to give up.

Then he saw it.

A black building stood at the end of the street. A massive line wrapped around the corner, filled with ordinaires waiting to enter. Another much shorter line was situated next to it. Sebastian knew for a fact that it was reserved for VIPs. Solaires and Eldaires alike were granted special access to the club.

Purple, white, and green LED lights glowed around the entrance of the club. Built above the double glass doors was a metal crescent with a single word underneath.


Sebastian grinned triumphantly. "Told you."

"You got lucky," Imogen said. The girl tugged at the sleeve of her leather jacket. "Er, does this place have a dress code? I'm seeing nothing but dresses and suits out there."

"Yeah, but we're sneaking through the back anyways," Sebastian told her.

"Won't we get spotted by security once we're inside, though?"

He blanched. He hadn't thought about that.

Remy lifted a finger. "Hey, I once read about this charm that lets you change your clothes into something else. Well, not really. Your clothes stay the same, but they look different to everyone else."

He nodded. The Shades used a similar charm for their robes, allowing them to change their attires at will.

"That could work," he said.

The group stepped off into an alley beside the club. Imogen stood at the opening of the alleyway, keeping watch for anyone who might've walked by.

Remy stood in front of Makaela first, his forehead creased as he tried to remember how the charm went.

"I thought you had a photographic memory, Rem," Makaela teased.

"Shut up," he hissed. "I read the spell one time a bunch of years ago. Give me a sec."
His eyes lit up. "Okay, got it." Holding out his hands towards his cousin, he rhythmically moved his fingers in a sweeping motion.

Golden sparks left his fingertips, jumping onto Makaela's clothes. Her coat and bloodied shirt were covered in a gleaming veil for a split second. Seconds later, she was no longer wearing what she had on before.

The Black Lotus | Vol.1, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now