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Jasper led Makaela and Sebastian over to one of the private VIP booths. Vini and two of the nightclub security guards followed behind them like watchdogs.

Makaela made sure to keep track of them at all times, especially Vini. Her hand still burned from where his lips touched her skin. Whatever was in the air of the club had her in a chokehold before, but as soon as she heard that wretched man speak, it released her.

One of the security guards pulled back the booth's curtain. Jasper motioned for her and Sebastian to step inside.

Pulsing stars were stitched into the inside of the curtain, illuminating the luxurious room. A leather couch whiter than ivory sat in the center, bordered by smaller loveseats. A bucket full of ice and wine glasses sat atop a table nearby.

"Please, sit down," Jasper told them. He sauntered over to the table and grabbed a bottle. One of his guards brought him two glasses from a nearby cabinet.

Makaela reluctantly sat down on the couch. Sebastian joined her. The sofa felt like it was made out of cotton candy. Its soft material soothed her aching body. The pain in her shoulder had started to return, but it was negligible enough for her to ignore it.

With Sebastian at her side, she watched with keen eyes as their host poured them two glasses of blood-red wine. Her face scrunched at the sight of the sloshing liquid as he brought it to them. Its strong scent tickled her nose.

She wasn't in the mood for a drink. Especially under these circumstances.

They weren't in Nightfall for pleasure. They were there to find a jumpkey, and hopefully find a way to erase Imogen's memories of the last day and a half.

After pouring himself a glass, Jasper took a seat. He took a sip and crossed one leg over the other.

"I see you've made some renovations," Sebastian said as he looked around. He shifted in his seat, his fingers fidgeting with the armrest of the couch. His dark eyes wouldn't stop moving.

"You know me, Sebastian. I always have to have the best."


Jasper took another sip of wine. He gestured at the two glasses before them. "Go on. It's imported straight from the vineyards of Thania. Best in the world, I promise you."

Makaela frowned. "I'm fine."

"Please. Just try it for me."

Her eyes narrowed. Before she could question it any further, Sebastian nudged her.

"You're offending him," he whispered. "Just drink a little. It'll be fine."

"But I don't want to."


Sighing, she waved him off. "Fine, fine." Men were so sensitive. She slowly lifted the glass to her lips. The liquid met her tongue. Her eyes widened. "Oh, wow."

The chilled wine soothed her tastebuds as it traveled down her throat. It had a unique, cultured flavor she couldn't quite distinguish. Red grapes? Maybe green? There were prominent notes of smoke and spice woven into the wine as well. Whatever it was, she couldn't get enough of it. Licking the droplets off her lips, she took another sip. Then another. A fire ignited within her core as she relaxed into the couch. Her eyes drooped slightly as she smiled.

Ahead of her, Jasper leaned back in his seat.

"You know," he began, "you don't do much to conceal your identity. I've heard the stories. The Order of the Black Lotus has been hunting down the lightweavers for nearly a decade."

The Black Lotus | Vol.1, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now