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Sebastian lowered his hand. The Shade hadn't even seen him coming.

Makaela and a battered man stood before him. They looked at him with petrified eyes and shaking frames. He pursed his lips at them. That wasn't how he expected them to greet their savior.

Remy sprang forward toward the bloody man and swept him in a bear hug.

"Remy?" The man hugged him back. "What're you doing here?"

"We came to save you, Dad."

Of course. That was Olivier Moreau, the current head of House Lumai. He hadn't seen the man in a decade. With all the blood and grime covering his face, he was barely recognizable. He scowled. The Shades hadn't gone easy on him during his time in captivity. It was a miracle he still had his sanity.

The Order of the Black Lotus prided themselves on their...techniques.

Sebastian walked toward Makaela with his heart thumping away in his chest. When he first realized she wasn't with the group, he immediately went back for her. Castle Braexus was a maze, though, and navigating the labyrinth while avoiding murderous magicians was no easy task. It took them nearly fifteen minutes to find where she had been taken to.

Makaela rushed toward him and threw her arms around his neck. He coiled his arms around her waist, nearly lifting her off the ground as he pulled her in close. Closing his eyes, he savored the moment. It wouldn't last long.

"I was so scared," he breathed into her soft hair.

"Me too."

"This is precious and all," said Imogen, "but we gotta get going."

"I'm with the ordinaire," Ajax quipped. "Shades'll be here any minute." He balanced his vayrir on his shoulders, his green eyes scanning the doorway behind them.

"Ordinaire?" Olivier arched an eyebrow at the group. "Would anyone like to fill me in on what happened over the past few days?"

Rubbing the back of his reddening neck, Remy smiled sheepishly. "It's a funny story­- "

"A story we don't have time for," Imogen interrupted. She gestured towards the hallway they were walking through. "We gotta go. Now."

Sebastian nodded. They had accomplished their mission. House Brynjir's artifact would have to wait-their main objective now was to escape the castle. The portal room was their best bet. It would be heavily guarded, but they weren't going anywhere without the use of the portal.

Unlike other portals, the Order's wasn't granted to them officially by the Eldenarian Council. A series of masquerading and deception charms allowed them to block off portal data back to the Eldenarian Palace and the Spire. All portals flowed through the Spire, except for the Order's. It was completely off the grid. Perfect for carrying out attacks and schemes in the shadows.

If Sebastian and his group had any chances of escaping, they would have to fight tooth and nail to get through it. Rolling his neck, he groaned. His body was still sore from his last fight. He hoped he had enough vitalae in his veins to last another duel or two. He was going to need every drop.

The group left the room and began their journey through shadows and torchlight in pursuit of the portal room. As they ducked and dodged Shades, Sebastian watched as Makaela led her uncle forward.

He tilted his head at her.

How had she found him so quickly? All prisoners were kept in the dungeons and were guarded by at least two casters at all times. There was no way she managed to break him out of his cell, sneak him past a pair of guards, and bring him out of the dungeons in less than fifteen minutes.

The Black Lotus | Vol.1, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now