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Sebastian and the others lucked out. They found another bus that would take them into Las Vegas with minimal stops and transfers. After a little persuading from Remy, and a little help from Imogen, they snagged another four tickets and were on their way.

Unlike the drive out of Montreal, this one was much less eventful. No Redfangs on their tail-as far as he knew. No Shades popping up out of the shadows and attacking them. None of that. The ride went by as smoothly as possible.

Sebastian was surprised. Surely his father hadn't given up.

Wishful thinking.

Even in the face of defeat, Thorian Tedorof never gave up. He'd never stop until he completed his mission.

That meant Sebastian had to stay ready at all times. While his companions spent the bus ride talking, joking, and sleeping, he stayed up-eyes glued to the window as he searched the landscape for anything out of the ordinaire. He only let himself rest his eyes for a few hours of their twenty-six-hour journey into Nevada.

He could sleep when he was dead.

Before he knew it, they had arrived in the land of vagrants and thieves. Or stars and extras. Of heroes and villains.

Sitting smack dab in the center of an arid desert was Las Vegas. The city stood out like a Tenebrian magician amongst the bright-eyed battlemages of House Brynjir. High mountains loomed in the distance, towering over the pristine skyline ahead.

Sebastian had never been before, but he'd heard stories from Jasper and the other Rooks. He wondered if they were just stories or if the city was truly as crazy as they claimed. There was only one way to find out.

As the bus delivered them into the city, Sebastian studied his surroundings.

Neon lights-somehow still noticeable despite it being in the middle of the afternoon-glowed on the fronts of the buildings lining the streets bustling with life. Interesting characters populated the sidewalks, no doubt heading towards the nearest hotel, casino, or shopping center.

Sebastian turned his nose up at all the ordinaires. They were so oblivious to everything. It made him sick.

He glanced at Makaela. She had her hands and face pressed against the window, her eyes wide with awe as she took in the sights.

"Hey, look it's the Eiffel Tower," she joked, pointing at a much smaller replica of the famous French structure.

"Cute." Sebastian rolled his eyes.

Out the window opposite of him was a huge fountain surrounded by a lake of blue water. A fancy hotel with Italian architecture stood behind it. Gushing water shot out from the small pool, turning different colors as the geysers corresponded with the techno music blaring out speakers in the background.

He groaned into his hand, averting his eyes from the window.

The city was one huge cliché. He could see why Jasper liked it so much.

"This place looks like fun," Remy said from the seat behind him.

"Yeah, it is," Imogen said. "If you're twenty-one and older, that is. For us, there's almost nothing to do here."

Sebastian paled. He almost forgot.

Makaela frowned at him. "What?"

"I forgot to mention this earlier, but Jasper's nightclub is for adults only," he revealed. Rubbing the back of his neck, he smiled sheepishly. "I'm not sure how Remy's going to get in." He glanced at Imogen. "Hey, how old are you?"

The Black Lotus | Vol.1, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now