chapter 4 bittersweet

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Ash:Mina it's time to go!

Mina:coming dad! I gotta go thank you so much izuku I'll see you tomorrow!

*she gave me a kiss on the cheek as she went running away giggling. I smiled happy as I start walking home I wished I could tell the younger me to wait a few hours till I go home but sadly I can't*


*So there I was enjoying my lollipop, just the happiest I've been in a long time, since I was able to protect my first ever friend. I was completely naive do the horror that was about to happen to my little self. I made it home, still smiling for the kiss I got from mina, as I walked inside I saw my father scowling in the sofá*


*izumi's father said my name, taking me by surprise. Since that bastard hasn't said my name in months, this was the first time I heard him say it, and it was filled with venom. I started trembling in fear, since what more could I do? But can you imagine? A father giving his son such venom over something as trivial as a quirk? how pathetic does a man has to be to do that to a child. At least when I had a child o treated her like she was my most precious gem oh but that's for later. Anyway with a gulp I looked up at my father and his ever angrier gaze*

Izuku:y..yes sir..?

*heh sir, I remember the day he told me to stop calling her dad, father or any term of endearment. And that's fine by me, I would much rather just call him izumi's father. I'd I could I would rip all my DNA of him out of my body. Anyway back to the story izumi's father looked at me, but instead of the loving and joy he gives out when izumi is with him, all I saw from him was nothing but hatred and distain behind those eyes of him. Then it started, the day that everything started going downhill from me more then before. Toshinori Yagi  got up and took off his belts, holding it tightly in his hand*

Toshinori:izumi told me you threw a rock at bakugo...

*Toshinori asked, only it wasn't really a question. But a statement. He didn't even consider the possibility of izumi lying, god no she could never do anything bad. or even ask me for the reason why I did it. As he got closer to me, I could feely mouth getting dried, my body was trembling as I could already feel the tears at the back of my head, starting to escape*

Izuku:y..yes but...

*and...wham. there I was a 5 year old boy in the floor, blood coming out of my mouth as izumi's father, the rat bastard hit me with the metal side of the belt as hard as it could. I wanted to cry but, I couldn't. I wish I could say it was because I  wasn't gonna give him the satisfaction, but no. I cried, I cried loudly. That must've pissed him off more, since he kept hitting me with that belt, over and over until the sound of the whip was all the could be heard inside the house. After a long time, and my back being completely red, he finally stopped. I thought it was over oh how wrong I was. Something must've snapped inside him since he grabbed me by the hair lifting my body up. I was struggling to free myself but I couldn't, I just didn't have the strength for it, he punched me square in the face right, he gave me quite the black eye. And....

Back to the present

*Izuku stopped, he looked at mina who was looking at him with concern, he looked down and his body was shaking with anger. Izuku took a few breaths to calm down*

Izuku:well now, you get the idea...

Back to the past

*At the end of it I could barely see, but even with my blurry vision i could see her, i could aee my sister izumi at the top of the stair, I bet she enjoyed watching her worthless older brother by a few minutes get the snot beaten out of him. Izumi's father grabbed me by the hair and I was too weak to keep moving even a finger, so i just let him dragged me to my room. He opened the door and threw me inside making me fall on the hardwood floor smearing my blood on it*

izuku the Voodoo doctor Where stories live. Discover now