chapter 18 canary enters the mine

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Next day

Kyoka pov

*I walked around finding the location that was behind the business card. I looked at the door then at the card, then back it. It was an abandoned school*

Kyoka:this...this is a school, this man is working in a abandoned school?

*I muttered to myself, I already made it this far, so I opened the old creaky gates and walked inside. I walked and almost gagged at the stench, kept walking forward ignoring all the cockroaches and rats stirring around till I made it to the only door with a light*

 I walked and almost gagged at the stench, kept walking forward ignoring all the cockroaches and rats stirring around till I made it to the only door with a light*

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Kyoka:this was a mistake what was I thinking..

Izuku:oh how you wound me miss jirou

*I flinched and looked around but saw nobody but myself, I was about to leave when the door opened by itself*

Izuku:ah miss jirou, please come inside I'll be with you in a moment.

*I gulped, everything was telling me to run, but I enters anyway, i saw the doctor talking to a bald man, the doctor blew enough dust to completely cover the fat man's face. He coughed but when the dust cleared out he had a full and luxurious head of hair that fell to his shoulder*

Izuku:there, as promise. Now remember shampoo and conditioner, you wouldn't want to owe me 2 favors now would we?

Smith:you kidding this is fantastic thank you so much!

*Smith said not being able to get his hands out of playing with his hair as he walked away. I kept looking around feeling creeped out seeing everything*

Izuku:see anything you like..?

*i jumped out my skin, as the voice came behind me I looked and saw the man*

*i jumped out my skin, as the voice came behind me I looked and saw the man*

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izuku:why hello there dear, so sorry if I spooked you


izuku the Voodoo doctor Where stories live. Discover now