chapter 16 temptation

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Izuku:someone as beautiful as you really shouldn't be crying


Kyoka:oh it's you, thanks for the save back there...

*kyoka said taking the handkerchief as izuku sits next to her, with a grin on his face*

Izuku:think nothing of it, that woman is a bitch

Kyoka:tell me about it, I wish I could tell that do her face

*Kyoka said frustrated, but also glad that someone else could see pass her disguise*

Izuku:if I was in your shoes I would sing to her

Kyoka:sing to her?

*Izuku nodded and took out a guitar out of nowhere, this being a world of super powers, kyoka didn't question it*

Izuku:that's right sing like this

Izuku:hey I wrote you a song


Izuku:it goes a little something like this

*izuku said taking out a harmonica and guitar out of nowhere, and started playing them*

Izuku:your a bitch...oh your a bitch a bitch a bitch a biiiiach

*kyoka started snorting and laughing, izuku a small grin and kept singing*

Izuku:oh your a biiiiiiiiiitch your a biiiiiiiiiiiitch your a bitch! Bitch

*kyoka laughed so hard that she started snorting like a pig, izuku chuckled and finished, making the instruments disappear, again Kyoka didn't question it*

Kyoka:man, I would love to sing that to her

Izuku:glad it made you feel better, but why the tears in the first place?

*Izuku asked with a fake gentleness, kyoka sighed and rubbed her arm*

Kyoka:I'm not sure if I should say, it's something very personal

Izuku:all the more reason to tell me. Who better to tell your feeling then a stranger, you'll probably never see again?

*Izuku asked with a smile, kyoka bite her lower lip and started thinking about it, ultimately she nodded her head*

Kyoka:i..I guess that makes sense, you won't go around telling people about it, right?

Izuku:you have my word, as a poor boy of the American south

*Izuku said with a smile, and since he wasn't born in the American south aka he was completely lying*

Kyoka:...i...I'm in love with momo Yaoyorozu..

Izuku:my isn't that something ? having a crush with the princess of Japan

*Izuku said with a hum, kyoka started blushing and raised her voice with a scowl*

Kyoka:it's more then a crush!

Izuku:my apologies, please continue

*Izuku said with a shrug, kyoka sighed and looked at the moon. That scowl turned into a sad expression*

Kyoka:i know it's more then a crush, whenever she's near my heart feels like it will jump out of my chest, I love her brain how smart she is, how she can know everything I ask her, I love how kind she is, while most rich people are spoiled brats she's the kindness person I've ever met, I love how she laughs it filled up a room

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