chapter 22

291 8 1

3rd person

*We see kyoka and mina walking together, mina was talking about the letter with a big smile on her face.*

Mina:it's been a week since I got that letter, after that day I got a new one every day, I wish one day izuku gets the courage to see me

Kyoka:are you sure this is the real izuku and not some creep?

*Kyoka said cautiously, ever since that little visit with the doctor, kyoka has been on edge, worried that he'll pop up, for his payment. Mina didn't noticed her friend's distress and waved her dismissively*

Mina:I'm positive, the was he writes of things that only happened to me and him I know it's him

Kyoka:even If, and that's a big if, even if  it's him, sound like a little of a scarty cat

*Kyoka said with a shrug and a snicker, oh how izuku made her suffer for that comment years later. But for now mina just looked at her and smirked at kyoka*

Mina:this coming from the girl who had to pretend to be a man to ask momo out?

Kyoka:....fair enough, but enough about him we're here

*Kyoka said looking at the entrance, mina looked up and there it was the entrance to UA, the most over rated school in Japan*

*Mina grinned and started vibrating a little over how exited she was, god bless her she looked so adorable from afar.*

Mina:oh my god, I'm so excited. This is gonna be so much fun! Let's go in

Kyoka:sure let's..

*Mina saw kyoka pale a little, kyoka on the other hand saw someone else, the person she was hoping not to see, and to make matters worse he was gesturing her to come to him*

Mina:kyo are you ok?

Kyoka:i..I'm fine you go in first I need to check on something first

*Kyoka said with a forced smile, she started walking away when mina grabbed her shoulder*

Mina:are you sure? I could come with you..

Kyoka:no! no, I'm fine I'll be quick you go ahead. I just need to make a phone call

*kyoka said before leaving before mina could talk her way into joining kyoka. Mina looked where kyoka left to with a worried expression, but with a sigh she walked inside alone*

With kyoka

*kyoka walked inside an alley and saw no one, she gulped feeling her heart pumping faster and faster with fear running through her veins, she put on a fake brave expression*

Kyoka:I know your there, come out. I don't have a lot of time for this, I have class and it's gonna start soon


*Looks heard the voice much deeper then the doctor, a voice that sounding in pain, the sound changed to old rusted metallic feet walking closer and closer to her, until it appeared, it definitely wasn't the doctor. She couldn't describe what this.... thing was. Kyoka saw the monster getting closer to her, she took a step back terrified, whoever this thing was. It was clearly doing this against there will, kyoka kept walking backwards only for someone to block her path I looked up and saw the doctor smug face smiling at her. His purple eye glowing s toxic purple to Kyo, almost as bright as the blue demon's eyes in from of her*

Izuku:why hello, please don't mind my worker he's harmless unless you give him a reason not to be.

Kyoka:what did you do to him?

izuku the Voodoo doctor Where stories live. Discover now