chapter 21

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In the ashido household

*we see the family eating breakfast, mina was rubbing the collar with a soft smile, something she found out of it it's that it beats. She can feel izuku's heart beating, it gave her a soft comfort to her mind that her Izuku was alive*

Ash:so mina think you made it to UA?

Mina:I hope so, I think I did good and if not...

*Before mina could continue she was interrupted when they heard the neighbor's dog barking. Loudly, they knew what that meant*

Ash:must be the mailman, Mina go checked the mail, you can continue when you come back

Mina:yes daddy

*Mina said as she got up and walked outside, she took her phone out and started scrolling through herogram, she got a small smile when she saw a picture of kyoka and momo kissing with a caption " sorry Monona but in changing teams "*

Mina:heh good for her, at least one of us got what she wanted, huh zuzu

*Mina muttered as she touched the necklace and felt it beating fast*

Mina:what's going on with him?

Meanwhile with izuku

*We see izuku running for his life, he jumped inside a cave breathing heavily, S.I. started touching his shoulder*

Izuku:stuff it, this was not a bad idea, I am completely in control oh shit!!

*He jumped out of the cave that was crushed, izuku was coughing heavily but when the dust settles, he looked up and saw
An enormous humanoid with webbed feet and glowing red eyes, the primordial god named Ithaqua*

*He jumped out of the cave that was crushed, izuku was coughing heavily but when the dust settles, he looked up and saw An enormous humanoid with webbed feet and glowing red eyes, the primordial god named Ithaqua*

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*a creature that frequently stalks the Arctic wildernesses, where he preys on the unwary. And izuku wanted that power for himself. The Power of The Wind-Walker or God of the Cold White Silence, is a Great Old One that will be under izuku's control*

Back to mina

with mina pov

*Mina closed the door and walked to the dinner room flipping through the mail*

Mina:alright mail call, we got a magazine for mom about hot shirtless

Ling: hahahahaha!!

*Ling laughed nervously yanking the magazine from Mina's hand, ash raised an eyebrow looking at his wife*

Ling: what else do you have there huh?

Mina:....ok, let's see gram gram late present for min min

Min min:please be money, please be money, please be money...

*Min min prayed as mina gives min min her box, min min opened it and groaned disappointed, she lifted the present and it was an ugly sweater*

Mina:and for dad bills

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