chapter 23 a lion talking to his food

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Few hours before the last chapter

Izuku pov

Place one of his jobs

*i see a middle school girl walking home, she wasn't anything special average looks, above average grades, have a few friends, plans on being a veterinarian in the future, all an all complete normal life, except her boyfriend is the most popular boy in this school, sadly that's why I'm here*

Izuku:would you look at that, it's 4:30 already, my I'm gonna be late

*I said out loud, the girl paled and took her phone out to check on the time, she starts running, not wanting to be late for a date, she doesn't notice me looking at her, just like she doesn't notice the green magic in my hand and well making her trip down a flight of stairs, I used my magic to position the umbrella in a certain way where the pointy end is aiming at her the results being....*

*I whistled as i walked at the top of the stairs looking down at her with bored eyes,  she was struggling for her remaining moments of life, I might've squeezed her neck like Darth Vader just a little, you know to move her along

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*I whistled as i walked at the top of the stairs looking down at her with bored eyes,  she was struggling for her remaining moments of life, I might've squeezed her neck like Darth Vader just a little, you know to move her along. until she stopped moving, having died a painful death. I take out my phone and take a picture for evidence and walk away*

Izuku:I don't know what's worse, that I feel numb of that im glad I feel this way...

*I say to myself accepting the fact that I wasn't becoming a monster, i already was a monster, a monster with a flare for then dramatics, disappearing in green smoke*

Change of scenery at a Starbucks

*we see another girl drinking her trendy coffee of the week, scrolling through hekrok, while her feet is tapping impatient for someone to arrive*

Izuku:you know, your gonna rot your teeth with that drink. That's just liquid caramel at this point

*the girl heard my buttery smooth voice, she slightly flinched since that was the password. I sat down with how coffee should actually be. No sugar, no cream, no trendy crap, a pure black Colombian bean coffee*

Camie:is it like done?

Izuku:.... woman you better talk normally do me or I'll treat you, the same way I treated her

*i said coldly, the girl cam something was her name, she flinched scared and nodded. I took out my phone and showed her the photo*

Izuku:yup the bitch as you called her, is no more. My part of the deal is done

Camie:what do I owe you?

*I heard those sweet words come out of her mouth, oh It always gives me goosebumps. slowly a smile made a way into my face making camie start to panic*

3rd person

Izuku:oh don't worry, you'll pay your part of the deal at a later date. for now just enjoy your time, with your soon to be boy toy. I must be off I have others clients to see

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