chapter 6 you only get one mom

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Izumi:mom dad?!!!

All might:yes izumi our real jobs isn't accounting, but being the number 1 and number 5 héroes all might and mystique!

*I don't remember how long I stayed there the world just seemed to freeze my parent heroes?*

Izumi:omg your guys are héroes! Oh my God dad your all might?!!

All might:yes izumi I'm all might not only that I want to give you my quirk

*I heard her father tell izumi, I felt so confused at what he meant? Give someone there quirk?*

Izumi:i..I don't understand?

All might:you see my quirk was giving to me by my mentor your grandmother nana shimura, since I used to be...weak

*Quirkless, the word he was looking for was quirkless, THAT BASTARD WAS QUIRKLESS AND HE..... Deep breaths deep breaths, apologies where were we? Oh yes*

Toshinori:but now my time with the quirk is getting shorter, that's why I want to give you my quirk making you the next user of one for all

Izumi:of course I would love to!!

*Izumi cheered happy to have something that SHOULD'VE been mine. But then again what I have now is so much better*


Toshinori:shut up inko I'm not giving my quirk to izuku!

*Izumi's father dared yell at mother's face it made me furious, Inko scowled at him and pointed her finger on his chest*

Inko:oh that's funny coming from someone who was quirkless!!

Toshinori:I won't listen to your crazy nana gave me the quirk because I was worthy to use it that boy is not worthy of this quirk

*ah does were the words that did It for me, I collapsed on the floor tears coming out of my eyes not sadness no, pure and full hatred for them my family my sister abused me for being quirkless my father WAS FUCKING QUIRKLESS!! And he did all those things to me its his fault I'm quirkless! mother, she just accepted it. she didn't defended me at the time I hated her, I wished oh how I wished I could have known better.*

Toshinori:come on izumi, let's go start your training. By the time UA starts you'll be unstoppable!

Izumi:yay! I can't freaking wait! Just you wait dad, I'll be the greatest hero there ever was!

*Izumi screamed exited, it made my blood boiled seeing her so happy. Once toshinori and izumi left to start training I heard inko sigh rubbing her temples as I opened the door to the closet she saw it and saw me*



*I said making my hands into fists digging my nails into my skin so much  that it made blood start to come out*

Izuku:he has a quirk, he could give me that quirk and make me normal, so why....?

Inko:oh izuku...

*inko said softly, she got closer and tried to hugged me, but I moved back slapping her hands away from me. My sadness quickly turned into fury*

Izuku:don't touch me!! Where you ever gonna tell me?! Where you ever going to train me!?

*I screamed as more tears coming down my cheek I was so angry I couldn't even think straight, all my thoughts collected into one thought that would change my life forever*

Inko:izuku please listen to me..!!

Izuku:no!! Your just like them, you hate me well I HATE YOU!!!

*...Sigh, the words of a child that didn't know any better, after I said does words does...awful awful words I ran to my room and slammed the door shut crying, if I had stuff in my room I would have destroyed it, I just collapsed against the door hugging myself and started crying*

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