chapter 12 protect her

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Now Mina pov


*I heard someone whisper, I looked where that voice came from, but saw no on there. my mind must be playing tricks on me cause that sounded like izuku*

Mina:I'm loosing it..

*I muttered to myself thinking of my old best friend, I take a sigh and continue listening to the pro hero mic give instructions*

Izuku pov

*as soon as Mina looked my way I hid on the shadows, I could see her, i could ses the hope and sadness in her eyes. S.I looked at me annoyed pointing that I make my move*

Izuku:oh shut up, let's just go to the teachers...

*I muttered to myself as i left the area. walking to the teachers lounge I glanced up, and rolled my eyes no cameras to speak off*

Izuku:how arrogant can nezu be? so sure no one would invade his school he didn't even put cameras, this is gonna be so easy

*I said with a smug tone, I mean why wouldn't I be smug? Not like nezu could stop me even if he knew. I made it close enough to the teachers spectator room, and a small twisted smile fell on my face*

Izuku:alright S.I let's too this

*izuku sat down in a meditating position and started talking in tongue his eyes went at the back of his head as S.I. sneaks inside being izuku's eyes and ears*

Inside the observation room

*We see all of the teachers there, next was looking at his new guinea pigs I mean new students*

Nezu:there's alot of promising students this year

Midnight:yes look at that pink girl go, she looks like she's having fun and what's she's wearing reminds me of a mini me

*Nemuria said with a smile, aizawa walked next to nemuria and looked down at the pink girl, he frowned deeply seeing her*

Nezu:what do you think eraser

Eraser:she's not taking this seriously, she's not dress for the occasion, she's not hero ma..

*izuku frowned as he heard the teacher say falsely bad things about his mina, so to stop it, he made S.I. Connect to shota's shadow taking control of him. no one noticing his eyes turned green*

Nezu:shota you ok? you stopped talking for a minute

Izuraser:y..yes yes I'm fine what was I saying..?

*Izuraser asked with a forced smile, trying to control someone else like that was so hard, he could feel aiwaza trying to break free*

Nezu:you think she's not hero material?

Izuraser:no...I want her in my class not just her hitoshi shinso as well

*everyone looked at eraser surprised, it's the first time he actually chooses not just one but 2 contestants for himself*

Nezu:very...very well my friend there your's

Toshinori:how about my daughter and boyfriend

*Toshinori said exited, he looked confused when he heard one of his closest friends scoff. izuraser scoffed glaring at them through the window*

Izuraser:there sloppy, and causing huge amount of collateral damage

*Izuraser sOd seriously looking at bakugo throw another huge attack almost harming another competitor. toshinori looked surprised at him*

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