chapter 24 perfect first day's blues

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*we see a woman in her apartment mima kirigoe, a famous 40 year old actress. She was alone watching a documentary of herself, back when she was in a pop group call J-star. Mima shivered at the thought of her old life she heard a nock at the door*


*mima said as she turned off the TV and opened the door, she saw no one but a package, mima not thinking twice took the package closing the door behind her, she placed the package at the table thinking it was nothing more then fan mail. She was about to opened it, when the phone rang sighing slightly annoyed she answered*

Mima:hello mima kirigoe speaking

*Mima asked. But nobody answered, all she heard was heavy breathing*


*Mima asked again, only to again receive heavy breathing on the other end of the line, mima starting to get uncomfortable she hung up, only for five minutes later the phone rang again mima picked it up*

Mima:hello mima kirigoe speaking

*the same breathing sound came. Mima gave an annoyed huff and held the phone tighter*

Mima:ok I don't know who's calling, but leave me the hell alone before I call the cops!

???:you destroyed J-star...

*the deep voice said in an angry tone, before the heavy breathing continued. mima felt as if the breath was right behind her on her neck, she hung up and disconnects the phone,  going to every door and window making sure there locked, she went to the kitchen grabbing a knife her hands we're trembling, as she walked back to the living room sitting down. She couldn't explain it, but every passing second she felt more and more afraid, she glanced at the package in front of her, choosing to open it, what she saw made her even more freaked out. It was her old J-star costume and a picture of the band with her face scratched out, she threw the package as far from her as possible, she heard someone knocked on the door, mima jumped and hold the knife with both hands trembling, as the knocked turned into pounding, the knob was being twisted violently, while the door sounded like it was gonna break at any moment*

Meanwhile in U.A.

Mina pov

*I walk into the classroom with a big grin on my face, happy as a clam. Until my mood soured seeing izumi, she saw me and gave me a small wave with a shy smile, I gave her a cold glare making her flinch and look down, her boyfriend glared at me and I glared back almost wanting him to do something, I walk to my seat with my arm crossed*

Mina"regret my ass oh I'll make you regret izumi yagi just you wait"

*I could feel my nails digging through my skin, but I didn't care, I let go of one arm and hold the necklace, with a small smile looking at the right angle it still glows green. I could feel the small vibration coming from it*

Mina" I know it's messed up, but I can't wait till I'm in danger for izuku to finally show up"

*I thought with a goofy smile on my face, just thinking of my knight in quirkless armor, just coming to save the day again*

Shinso 3rd person

*We see him in his seat, having to make the most difficult decision of his life*

Shinso"i wonder if I'll have time to go to the cat Cafe after school, but should I go to the one near home, or the one by the train station.."

*Shinso, thought. Truly having just the most difficulty of all the students there. He was taking out of his thoughts when the door opened, and in walked in a scruffy looking hobo. Otherwise known as aizawa*

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