chapter 15 the doctor meets the singer

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Mina:well it's starting it was...

*Mina looked at the man, who's name she didn't even get. But he was already gone, the only think left in his place were 3 things a tip for the bartender, his now empty shot glass, and 2 business cards. Mina took them both and looked at them*

 Mina took them both and looked at them*

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Mina:dreams made real huh..?

In the future

Izuku:ah yes that party, hehehe ah in my younger days when my ilusións were almost perfect with exception of my eyes, they always had the same color

Mina:it is how I figured out who you were

*Mina said still mad at him, mina said still mad at him WHILE sitting on his lap with no intentions of gettin off*

Izuku:but for now let's see the point of view of.... One of my clients yes?

*Izuku said with a smile as toxic green smoke started coming out of his hands, the smoke turned into chains and he pulled on them hard, mina and izuku's entertainment looked confused until the 3 minute mark where they could hear screaming. They look out the window and saw a woman flying there way, a chain around her neck, izuku whistle and out of nowhere the window moved and the woman hit the brick wall*

Izuku:ah kyoka jirou, it's been such a long time dear, don't you agree

Mina:Kyo? Man I never thought I would see you here, wait. She was working for you?

*Mina asked as izuku's entertainment got up and helped the woman, izuku looked down at mina with a small grin*

Izuku: darling, I had almost all the heroes of Japan under my control. Hubris being my inevitable downfall

Entertainment:izuku why are her eyes pure green?

*Mina looked at her old friend and sure enough, her eyes were completely green, she looked like a zombie, with no will of her own*

Izuku;because I didn't want her to give me any lip, now Kyoka jirou. Tell us your point of view of the party where we met

Kyoka:yes master

with kyoka

Kyoka pov

*me and momo were dancing, we were so close to each other that I could kiss her. I softly rubbed my hand on her arm looking at her lovingly, while her eyes were closed*

Kyoka"i could do it, I could just kiss her right now and tell her how I feel, beg her to choose me.."

*I thought as I got closer, I started closing my eyes o and...nothing I couldn't do it I pull back slightly with sad eyes holding back tears as the lights dimmed down and the butler came in to view on the second floor*

Butler:if I could have your attention please may I present the host of this party and president of yaoyorozu industry. Hisao yaoyorozu, and his wife tenshi yaoyorozu

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