chapter 20 crack in the armor

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*izuku immediately kneeled down at nyarlathotep feet, as nyar changed his form to a more ancient design*

*izuku immediately kneeled down at nyarlathotep feet, as nyar changed his form to a more ancient design*

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Izuku:my lord nyar, god of the Crawling Chaos  avatar of the Outer Gods. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit? and let me assure you it is a pleasure

*nyar said nothing just kicked izuku's face simply because he could, izuku winced in pain while nyar walked around, izuku got up and followed him around like a lost puppy finding his mother*

Izuku:g..good kick there my lord, I see your still at your full strength, always glad to see that

Nyar:and I see you've kept all of my trinkets

*nyar said while holding the cthulhu statue. Izuku gulped seeing nyar do such an action meant one thing, he was in a petty mood*

 Izuku gulped seeing nyar do such an action meant one thing, he was in a petty mood*

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Izuku:o..of course my lord, all been taking care of carefully. It is as you left it to me. Not a thing has been thrown out let me assure YOU!!

*izuku Yelped at the end there and jumped, catching the cthulhu statue that nyar let drop.*

Nyarlotphe:pity I would've loved to see my brother awaken, but I supposed a little tickle on his nose is good enough for now

Meanwhile in Hawaii

*we see fisherman fishing, tourist sightseeing, kids screaming about wearing sun block, and woman getting a tan, over all a relaxing day in Hawaii. That is until it started getting darker, as they all heard what could only be describe as an animalistic scream*


*The fisherman looked up and paled at what he saw, it was impossible a giant hand blocking the sun completely, the hand landed slowly on the water, but even that was enough to cause a wave, and not a small wave no no, but the biggest wave he had ever seen, or anyone else in recorded history. The water reached highest so big that it was enough to cover the sun from the sky. Before he could run a huge earthquake shook the place, taking huge chunks of Hawaii under the earth making people who tried to run fall, and by then it was too late the tsunami engulfed the part that didn't get swallowed up by the sea, covering the land in water making the once big island of Hawaii smaller then even the island of niihau*

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