chapter 26

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both father and daughter leave the house niti driving the car fastly..she wants to meet sid as soon as possible..that time her phone rang the phone from another hospital where niti visited if there any emergency... she said.. I'M COMING...DONT WORRY... she cut the call and smile sadly..she soooo wanted to meet sid but... she just close her eyes Sid's smiling face come to her mind she just open her eyes and call her dad to inform him that she's going to visiting other hospital...and went to other hospital...

here mahesh reach in hospital with Sid's tiffin

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here mahesh reach in hospital with Sid's tiffin... he look at everyone all are sad and calm where our jijs also standing near the window lost in his own world... he didn't even realise that mahesh come there when everyone saw mahesh they got up there places but mahesh indicate them to sat again... and went to sid finding him lost mahesh just caressing his sons hair's lovingly calling his name.. making him comeout from his thoughts...

mahesh- champ...

mahesh- champ

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Sid- dad.... whe...when you come....???

mahesh- when my champ lost in somewhere or should I say in someone's thoughts...

sid-'s nothing like

mahesh- it's okk betaa now come let's have your breckfast then you have to get your medicine on time....

sid- noo dad I don't want to eat anything...

mahesh areee aise kaise I'm here naa I will feed my champ...
saying this mahesh started feeding...after sometime they finish breckfast and tiger give him medicine... that time reena ask mahesh...

reena- dad... where is gudiya...????
this question took Sid's attention
mahesh- are beta woh she got emergency soo she went to other hospital...

sid- wohh I'm...sorry...kal raat I....m sorry...

Mahesh- aree it's fine champ... see I just want my kids happiness.. you said yess or noo it's totally your choice my son.. and infact I'm happy you know I fixed doll's marriage in evening boy come to meet niti with his family... and I'm sure he said yess only...
listening this all got shock while Sid looking at mahesh blankly he didn't know what to say....

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