Episode 5

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It's was already 9:45 am. I took my files, my phone and my computer and come out of my office. When I came out, my assistants were already gone. Good point for them they have listen to me. I took the elevator to the floor down mine. I arrive in the meeting and there was only my assistant here. "They will be soon here, did you read the files I let you?" I ask them settling down my stuff in between them. "Yes I did, I will have to help you to organize event and advise you when you need it. Am i right?" Yoongi asks "Yes you are." I answer turning around to Melody
"I did too, I have to manage the international clients and your schedule. I also have to help Yoongi with all the organization of each and every event." she answers "Perfect. Another important point, I need to be able to believe you and I need to trust you. You need to be loyal to me. I will treat as good as my mood allowed me to but don't get mad if I get rude. It's just my mood, don't blame me." I explain them "Sure Miss" they answer together. "When we will be more close and know each other better, i will allow you to call me by my name too cause it's too weird" I add and theyu chuckle.
Just then, we saw Jungkook entering the room with a man I suppose his assistant. We all stand up "Hello M. Jeon" I greet him "Please call me Jungkook. This is my assistant Jin." he introduces us Jin "Nice to meet you, here are mine. This is Yoongi his is going to help us to organize all the event and advices us and Melody is my international manager and will take care of the communication." I introduce them too "Pleasure to meet you" they all bow to each other.
"May we start to work?" I ask "Sure!" Jungkook says. We sit down and he hands me the files, "Okay, .....so you have a lot of investors and a lot from overseas...... You have high benefices..... I guess we can see bigger than what we talk about...." I say while reading. "Really? What do you mean by bigger?" he asks me "Well with thoses numbers you have t see bigger and you will definitively gain more" I assure him "If you say so I believe you then." he answers
"Here some of my concept I thought about for you. I think you can choose mutiples. Maybe both a clothes brand and a label or more like a channel with many reality shows... there is many option" I explain showing the files he gave me to Yoongi and give him the concepts. "I like this.....what about a channel AND a label and some TV shows about music and the winners from the tv shows will sign in the label. What do you think about it?" he proposes
"I think it could be a good idea, what you think Yoongi?" I turn to him "I think it's a good idea, and if we see even more bigger, we can add subtitles and then total translations to the TV shows to make it international and be able to gain more money this way" he proposes " I think it's a perfect direction to follow, what do you think Jungkook?" I ask him "I love it, touching an international public is a great idea... I'm down!" He answers "Perfect then, I'm going to organize everything and meet you.... maybe once a week to check everything with you." I explain him
"Okay no problem, Jin and your assistant will manage our schedule. May I have a word with you...alone?" he asks me out of the blue "Sure... just you stay here and manage the first appointment and the schedule" I indicate to the assistants. "Sure Miss." they bow as we leave the room. " So what do you want to talk about?" I ask him "Well I don't want you to stress yourself with my project. I know you just begin and you have a lot of work. Just keep my project aside and manage it when you have time only, I'm not in the rush." he tells me
"Well I must treat you like others clients, why would I put you aside? Don't treat me differently because you know my dad and my brother. I will work with you like I do for other." I answer him "Well....sure I mean if you want to take it this way do as you want but if you need the feel to put it aside for sometimes when you need it I won't blame you, know that." he continues on his positions
"Look I'm a big girl and I know how to manage that stuff so thank you for caring but don't worry I'm fine." I assure him "I'm glad then...well I will let you work now and we will meet soon I guess." he concludes "Sure I will work on solids concepts this week" I tell him "Sure. This was nice to see you Y/n...See you" he greets me "See you" I greet him back.
Jungkook's POV
I left Y/n's office with a new feeling inside me. Who thought that, Was I getting feelings for some cold ass bitch right now? I know her for what, a week? Was it even a good idea to fall for her....working with her oftently won't help me neither....should I let myself get attached to her? A girl cold like her will probably not care about me right? "What did you think about that Jin?" I ask him "She would be perfect for you Kook!" he smirks What?! "I was talking about the meeting bro! Not Y/n! You dumbass" I sight "Ooh my bad.." he giggles

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