Episode 20

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At the office, later
« Thanks for coming... you guys are my only friends here and the only people I can trust. It's really important. » I start as they sit in front of me looking perplexed « Tell us! » Yoongi says « I got to learn that Jungkook married me to steal my company...I got the proof of it... so from now on please even if he calls you to ask about me don't say anything please » I ask them, they look at in disbelief « of course we won't ! »
Melody's POV
After our first party together I kept in touch with Yoongi and Jin. The both of them are so cute with me and so caring... I spend way more time with Yoongi die to work but Jin is really someone who makes your day brighter. As we came out from the office I got a message from Jin asking me out.
I went to met him at the Starbucks and join him at the table « Hey Jinnie! » i greet him « Hey Mel! I missed you! » he hugs me *friendly* « What's up? » I ask him « Well... I'm exhausted.... Jungkook is on nerve because Y/n left the house without saying anything and she is not picking her phone... he is walking around in his office and keeps asking what did he do wrong » he says face palming « .... It's his fault! He should have think before doing this choice! Oh I should have keep my mouth shut... » I mutter the last part
« Wait wait wait what?? » he asks « nothing hehe.... » I avoid « No! Now that you start you need to finish! » he insists « what did I do..... okay but if she gets to know I spoke she will kill me! » I say worried « don't worry for that » he assures me « So basically.... She learned that he married her to steal Kim's corporation and she has all the proof of that » I say firmly
«Hahahahhah! You're so funny Mel, but seriously why is she like that? » he asks again like I was joking « I'm serious Jin ! » I say « What? But why? He is deeply in love with her, he keeps talking about how perfect and beautiful she is ! Why would he do that! He never scams anyone he hates traitors » he says looking confused « what? You mean he really didn't do that?! We have to call Yoongi and try to fix this mess! Either way is gonna go way to far, she is so stubborn that could even ask for divorce » I say taking my phone out .
« Yoongs? Yes we need you asap at the Starbucks next to the office it's an emergency » I call him « on my way! I'll be here in 2 min » he hangs up.
After just a few he enters the coffee shop and joins us.
« What's up? Did you get annoyed by his daddy's jokes and missed that you called me to save you? » he smirks « Shut up and listen! Jungkook didn't marry Y/n for the company but for love! Someone is trying to screw it all! » I explain stopping his joke « What?! » he looks at us puzzled « as we talked we realized that something wasnt matching in the story... » Jin adds. We look at each other and we knew we needed to do something.
Jimin's POV
My plan was rolling just like it should! In a few Y/n will be finally mine... thanks to my cousin who acted up when we were in the corridor. No one knows that we are from the same family. All the 'proofs' i made look so real that she fall in the trap easily. I just have to heal her poor heartbreak now
I decide to call her to spend more time with her and not let anyone messing with her and her mind. « Y/n? I know you must be feeling really bad and I don't want to let you like that. Let me invite you and spend a relaxing day with me! » I propose « oh really? I really need it... okay let's do this! thank you Jimin! » she thanks me. I felt proud of my plan going perfectly !
Melody's POV
We were on our way to Jungkoo to help him when Jin asks for attention « Mel.... You know I really like you and I love spending time with you... and I also know Yoongi feel the same but I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me ? » he asks « Listen Jin... I really like the both of you and I don't want to hurt any of you... that's why I'm spending time with as friend to get to know you and make the right choice for the 3 of us... I'm just asking for more time » I smile softly as he nods understanding

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