Episode 24

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2 weeks later
Melody's POV
After all this mess, Yoongi and I got a lot of work to replace Y/n during her break to recover. She was still working from home but couldn't do much. I didn't mind it and honestly working with my boyfriend helped me a lot. Yes, my boyfriend is Yoongi, Why? Because he was the one for me. We complete each other with our differences. Jin understood my choice and we are still friend, I can even say best friend.
We finally finish working on the channel and label for Jungkook and it's finally the moment to announce the opening. I gave all the information to Y/n to choose the theme of the party and she explains me and Yoongi how she wants it to be. We follow all her instruction and prepare the party planned 2 weeks later to let her finish to heal.
Your POV
After all what happened, I was still shocked but I got better. I was working from home since I got to finish some project, like Jungkook's. It was finally done and we were about to announce the opening in 2 weeks. I was proud of what I have done for my first big project. Back then I never thought I will become the woman I am and I never thought I will marry someone and Love him. But I am and what can say better than 'never say never!'
I wanted to keep everything from the party secret from Jungkook to surprise him and thank him for all what he did for me. Since what happened, our relationship got way better and we are falling in love more and more everyday. "Bun?" I call him from the couch "Yea carrot?" he answers walking to me "For the dress code for the party, I need you to wear something classy grunge black or white" I explain
"Ooooh I already love the concept!" he smirks happy "Yep but you won't know anything else! It's a S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E!" I tease him "Do you think you are smarter than me? Cause I have a SURPRISE too! And you won't know anything about it until the party" he sticks out his tongue "You are acting like a baby..." I joke giggling " Yes but your baby only" he pouts cutely "Whatever go back to work!" I tease by ignoring him "Seriously? No ice cream today then..." he leaves " YAAAAAH!" I yell at him but he continues leaving
I spend most of my day either in my room or on the couch to let my leg heal correctly. I start to walk a bit but not to much to prevent any other injury. I was almost completly healed and the scar was almost gone. but honeslty I couldn't care less to have a scar. Scars shows what you've been through and makes your stronger. You never have to hid thoses.
2 weeks later, The opening party
Your POV
It was finally D-Day. I couldn't wait more for this. I arrive at hall earlier to see the final results and check somethings with Mel and Yoongi. "It's so good to see you back here!" Mel hugs me "Yeah, we missed you a lot" Yoongi smile lightly. " I've missed you too! It's good to be back!" I smile. "So we followed all your instructions, so we hope you like it" Mel tells me walking me inside. Everything fits so well with Jungkook's style.
"It's exactly what I wanted! You did so great, thank you guys" I was amazed by the beauty of the event. It was grungy and dark but not too much, just like it's needed. "I think we can go get ready for tonight now!" i instruct them excited. It's wasn't only a professional project now but also my husband's. I wished he will like it and enjoy it.
At the party, few hours later
We arrive at the hall with Jungkook, arms crossed together. He finally discovered the party and his eyes became wide open "WOW! That's so beautiful! I love it so baaad! Thank you carrot!" he kisses me "You're welcome but I didn't work alone, Mel and Yoongi help me a lot" I precise "Sure, I'll thank them too!" he assures. we walk around and greets everyone, until I spot a familiar person. As we walk there I could recognize my brother "Joon!?" I call him out
As the man the turns around I could see, it was really him. I jump in his arms "I missed you so much!" I whine, a tear escaping my eye. "I'm sorry I couldn't be here when you needed it..." he says in a broken voice "Don't be it's okay! It wasn't your fault that I met a crazy ass bitch!" I try to make him laugh and I succeed. "Still I should have been here for you..." he apologizes again "It's okay! Jungkook was here..." I comfort him
"Time to speech now bun!" I grab Jungkook to the stage. "See you later Joon!" I greet him leaving. We walk up the stage and greets everyone "Good evening ladies and gentlemen! It's honor to be here with you tonight. I firstly want to thank my wife and her assistants Melody and Yoongi for doing all this!" He starts his speech as everyone applause to us "Second of all, I'm proud to finally be here and be able to announce you that, ..... My channel and label are official open! The programs will begin next week and you will be able to watch 5 differents programs on my channel!" he continues
"I hope you will enjoy it and maybe even participate!" he jokes to conclude as everyone laugh and applause again "Now, may we enjoy our evening?!" And everyone starts to cheer. He then took me down the stage , to the bar. "Listen carrot! You made something beautiful tonight! Now it's my turn to surprise you!"
he grabs my hands in his, "Our relationship started in a weird way, but now everything is going perfectly well. So to complete our marriage process, I bought us tickets for our honeymoon" he smiles softly to me "You did what? Really?" I ask crying emotionally happy "Yes! You deserve it, you've been through a lot in a few weeks only and it will be finally a moment for the both of us only" he says happily "OML thank you!" I hug him
Few weeks later...
We were at our hotel, in Hawaii. Jungkook offered a world tour and we were currently in Hawaii after being in LA for 2 weeks. We just came back from the beach and he went to take a shower when a staff from the hotel brought us some mails. "Bun? We have a letter with both our name on it!" I call him "What is it?" he asks as I open the letter "You are invited to the wedding of Choi Melody and Min Yoongi" I read "OMG they did it! I can't believe!" I laugh "I'm so happy for them!" Jungkook say smiling "Me too!"

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