Episode 23

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Melody's POV
Since all this drama was finally donr and Y/n finally got back with Jungkook, Yoongi proposes you to go on a date. The date which make me choose between the both of them. He took to the beach. He bought drinks and we walk and sat on the sand. Something really calming me.It's something I would have never done this on my own. It is really pleasurable, and I appreciate it.
"Listen Mel, ....I know I should let you choose by what you felt but I need to telle that you are all I need in my life right now. When I was alone, I always felt like it's all grey and nothing funny was happening but since I met you, I feel like I'm finally alive. I love you Mel and I really wanted to let you know. Even if you prefer Jin, I'm okay with it because I only want you to be happy" he smiles warmly with genuine words.
Jungkook's POV
Since Y/n was finally back home and safe with me, I decide to go get ride of this Jimin shit and stop all this mess. I left the mansion, but I took anough precautions before leaving. I put a tracker on Y/n's phone and told her to be careful, Jimin might not let things like this and he might be really dangerous. I put some men around the mansion and finally left to the police station. I called my friend who works there and explain everything. I just got to give him all the evidences and Jimin will be charged.
Jimin's POV
As I saw Jungkook leaving, I knew he would never let her just on her own. But did he think I was that dumb ? I watch each and every movement of every guards for an hour. When I got the exact system, I came out of my car and rushed inside the house. "Y/n? My love? I'm here to get you back home!" I call her walking around to find her.
I finally found her in the kitchen, "Go away! I will call the guards!" she yells walking backawards, taking a knife in her hands. "My doll, don't be afraid of me. You know I love you! Come with me or I will take another way!" I say taking out my gun. She looks at the gun surprised " Hehe, exactly you can't do anything against that... come now!" I call her again walking more and more toward her. When I was about to finally reach her, she opens a door and start running. I shoot in her leg to stop her and to her in my arms "I told you, you can't escape from me! I planned everything! Even my gun is a silent one, no one will know what happen until they found out you are back to my home!" I chuckle "LET ME GO!" she hits my chest
I chuckle and again look around and took her in the backseat of my car. I drive off to my secret mansion, where no one will ever find us again and we will finally live together
Jungkook's POV
As I was finally signing the last paper for Jimin's case, I got a call from one of the guard "Sir? We have an emergency! An unknown car just drove off the mansion. When we get to check inside Miss Y/n wasn't here anymore and we found....blood" he says hesistantly at the end "What?! I told you to watch every centimenter of the fucking propriety !" I yell hanging up "Listen he kidnapped her! We have to do something!" I tell to my officer friend "What? Okay umm... we need to go to everyplace he will feel safe to take her too.. his hous, his office...." he starts thinking "NO IT WILL TAKE TO MUCH TIME!" I start panicking and thinking "Wait! I got a tracker on her phone! Maybe she had the time to take it with her!"
I took my phone out and start checking her .... "I got her .....It's a place in the middle of the north forest!" I tell him looking at the phone "Amazing! I will call a back up team and we will leave right now!" he says taking he gun
"I'm coming with you no matter what and don't even try to stop me! She shoot her and I won't let this coward bastard leave in peace!" I say walking to his police car. We start driving off to the location, and as we got near the place I could see other police car joining us. "We should switch off the lights, he will notice it otherwise!" I inform my friend "Yeah you are right! Let me inform them" he says and sending the signla to the others. We finally reach near to the mansion and everyone got off the cars "Okay everyone, we will surround the mansion by group of 3, when everyone is placed, we will all enter silently and who ever found them, you will to keep her safe first while at least the 2 others arrest him" he instructs.
I was going to follow him but he stops me "I let you come until here but don't you dare think I will allow you to come inside! You stay here! I called an ambulance to take care of her when we bring her out" he orders me
Jimin's POV
"We are home my Love! I will take care of your leg now and then we will have some rest to finally begin our life together!" I say happily "You are a crazy ass psycho! I will never be happy or have a life with you! If you really love me then you should let me live the way I want and not your way" She says jerking my hand off of her " You will need sometime but you will be happy with me!" I caress her tigh. Suddenly I heard noise coming from the kitchen but it's suppose to be empty "Stay here! I will be right back" I avert her and left to the kitchen.
Your POV
I was sitting on the couch trying a way out of this living hell as soon as possible. As I look around, I spot a shadow behind the window. I could see that it was a man in a uniform. He slowly open the widow door and came to me "Stay silent and calm, there are men there who are taking care of him" he informs me and carried me in a bridal style.
Jungkook's POV
I was impatiently walking outside in circle waiting for her to get out. I couldn't feel more anxious. Suddenly, we heard somethings getting broke like glasses and shoutings. but on the other side of the house I saw my friend carrying Y/n and walking to the ambulance. I run to her and hug her "OMG! Are you okay?" I ask her looking down to her and her leg "I'm fine" she says hugging me again "I'm sorry! I should have stayed with you! It's all my fault" I apologize feeling guilty
" Don't apologize! He is an obsessed psycho, he would have been through anything to- ...get what he wanted" she says as the doctor was taking care of her leg she groans in pain. "I just finish. the bullet didn't went to far in the leg so there is only your muscle which need at least 3 weeks to recover but you won't have any aftermaths" the doctor explains "Okay, thank you doctor" I thank her and carried Y/n to the car of my friend officer.
From the car we could see some officers dragging Jimin out of the house. He was yelling like a freak and trying to escape. My friend finally joins us in the car "Are you okay Y/n?" he asks her "I'm fine...thank you" she thanks him smiling warmly "I will bring back home now" he says driving off this nasty place. "What will happen to him now?" I ask, I couldn't hold myself back. "Well probably prison but we don't know which one yet.. it seems that he has some mental health issues. He will have to do some mental exam and then the judge will decide if he will go to psychiatric hospital or a random prison..." he explains
After that we just stayed silent and Y/n falls asleep on my shoulder. I was relieved that all this mess was finally done and I was now more than decided to keep her near me all the time to protect her at hall cost. I will take care of her at the cost of my own life if it's needed.

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