Episode 22

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I had a date with Jin first and I let him choose it. I wanted to see how they will manage a relationship and dates with me. He took me to a fancy restaurant. I didn't say anything and just follow his lead. "So do you like this place?" he asks me "Well, it's really beautiful and fancy!" I smile. He laughs nervous and hands me the menu "You know, stay yourself Jin. I want to see the real you if we were in a relationship not someone you try to be" I smile comfortly "Oh sure...hehe" he says trying to be less tensed.
The date goes and Jin kept being himself, dad's jokes, funny, cute and joyful. I spend a wonderful time with him. I decide to not say anything until I got the date with the both of them and only then I will give my final decision. Jin always try to make people happy around him but it's like he can't open up to reality sometimes and want to stay in a dream and I'm exactly like him.
Jungkook's POV
I finally got enough proofs to show to Y/n and show how Jimin manipulated her all this time long. My last problem here was that she was with Jimin all the time and doesn't want to see me. It's at this moment that Yoongi and Mel had to help me the most. They got to trap her in her office without Jimin and make me enter the office with Jin discretly .
As we were waiting down the building, waiting for Mel's call. After 10 min Yoongi came to us and made us follow him. He took some ways avoiding Jimin's place. As we arrive in front of her office I took a deep breath. I heard Melody trying to keep her focus on the topic she talking about. Yoongi looks at me and open the door sending me a 'good luck' look. And enters the office in front of me. I follow him with Jin silently and look at Y/n after 3 longs weeks.
I look at her and waiting for her to look back. After a few second she realize a new presence in the room and took a few more to realize that it was me. "WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE?!" she yells looking at Melody and Yoongi. "Listen to us and we -" Melody tries to tell her but she cuts her off " GET HELL OUT OF HERE!" she yells again at me "YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN FOR ONCE Y/N! YOU NEED TO!" Yoongi yells at her. She looks at him in disbelief and back at me.
"Look Y/n, you never let me the opportunity to give you my side off the story. You just believe a guy you met 1 month ago without asking me anything and just left me. But here are all the proof you need to see and which prove that I'm innocent and it's all a trap that Jimin made to get you far from me. " i finally proceed to tell her after all this time
She stayed silent and took the files I brought her. She looks through the file silently and saw the false files that Jimin gave her. The files about the fusion of the company and nothing with me stealing the company. She looks up with red, teary, puffy eyes. Yoongi, Melody and Jin left us alone. She walk to me and hugged me. "I'm sorry..." she excuses herself and somehow I could feel her heart being breaks once again for not trusting the right person.
"I just should have talk to you and try to figure things out with you in the first place.... It was to good to be true...all this love you gave me...I couldn't believe it. It was like an escape from a false life...." she mutters still hugging me "I never stop loving you, and I will never stop. Just come home!" I say kissing her forehead. "I will take care Jimin case on my own and you will take some rest from all this mess" I assured her
A few hour later
Jimin's POV
Since Y/n got an important meeting, so I decide to get some work done but after a few hours without any news of her I got scared and called her but nothing. I went to her office but it was empty. I start to get angry and went to her penthouse. Again when I arrive there was no one. Another idea popped in my mind... I add a tracker on her phone. As I look at it, she was.....no it's not possible.....at her common house......with ....Jungkook.
She learned everything? She must have, ....otherwise she would never have leave me. i have to go take her back, no matter what it cost me. I drive off to the mansion and found someone to hid there. I saw that Jungkook was there. I wait and I will wait until he leaves to take her back with me.

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