Episode 11

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Next week, 1 day before the party
Your POV
I was arranging the details for the event tomorrow and kind of stressing since it's my first one. I was in my office when someone knocks « Come in » I say. « Is it how you welcome your older brother? » I heard the voice talking « NAMJOON?! » I yell running to him « Hey! » he hugs me back when I jump on him « Why didn't you tell me? » I ask him « it wouldn't have been a surprise! » he chuckles « Mmmh... anyways let's have a lunch together! » I propose him « Sorry Y/nie but I have to meet someone, let's have a dinner instead! » he proposes instead
« Oh well sure! I will send you my door code of my penthouse » I tell him « Okay perfect! See you tonight then! » he greets me leaving. I went back to finish the work for the event of tomorrow excited to have the dinner with Namjoon.
Jungkook's POV
I reserved a table in a restaurant to meet with Namjoon. I was stress about what I was about to ask him. It will either help me or stop everything. I was sitting playing with the napkin on the table when he finally arrives « Hey Jungkook! How are you? » he greets me and get even more tensed « Good and you? » I hug him back « Good ! I'm excited for tomorrow » he smiles sitting « Me too... I can't wait » I sit me too
« So tell what you wanted to talk about! I can't wait now! » he says impatiently smiling « Oh yeah of course.... We'll I'm kind of.... Stress about it. I need you to not freak out in the first place » I explain « ummm okay...go on » he says perplexed « well actually I got an idea.... It's part of business and a part where I need you as my friend.... » I start explaining « okay... »
«I start to..... have feelings for your sister *Namjoon get wide open but stay silent* and out of that, I thought that marrying her could be benefic for my and her company and your dad's.... So I thought you-you could talk to your dad and her to.... You know arrange maybe.... A marriage.... » I say suffering and stoping in the middle of the sentence. « Well.... Ummm... give a sec to take myself together.... » he suttered « okay so you want to marry my sister for 2 reasons .... Business and love, right? Does she knows? » he asks me « No... that's why I came to you... your sister is different I'm too intimidated with her » I explain
« okay..... ummm I-I know you are good guy... but I can't say that to my dad » he explains « yeah... I knew it but it's okay I was prepared thank you anyway » I smile sadly « I didn't say that I won't do anything Jungkook » he continues I look up with a light of hope
«I will talk to him saying that it will be a good opportunity for our company to get this marriage done... the other part will stay secret for now... I will assure him you are a good person for her even tho he knows you » he says « Really? » I ask with sparkles in my eyes « I will do my best only because I know how you are » he adds smiling « Thank you Hyung ! I will be irreproachable » I assure him « you better be » he chuckles
Your POV
Later at night
I got home change in a comfortable pajama and ordered Joon's favorite meals and snacks and settle everything in front of the TV. I finally heard the door get open. « Hey I'm here! » he says taking of his shoes « hey! Go get change and come I have prepared everything ! » I say excited « Cool give me 5 minutes » he says going to the guest room. I scoll on my phone while waiting for him.
He finally arrives and sat down next to you. « So tell me how is Japan? Are you enjoying it? Did you meet people, new friends?? » I ask excited « It's great! I love Tokyo. I met few people and some are really fun! And you?! What's up? How is it going? » he asks me back « Honestly it's going good! Tomorrow is my first event so I'm excited! Jungkook asked me to go with him.... After a while I decide to accept » I answer
« Do you like him? » he asks me « What? No I don't. It's just professional! He is kind and all but that's all » I answer « I never talked about romanticism here why are you acting like that » he smirks, I turn my face to not face him « Good because I talked to dad about something you might or might not accept but it would be a good thing actually » he says letting me perplexed

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