Episode 13

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We start to walk in the center of the hall greeting some people on our way. Everyone applause us and cheer us. « Good evening every one ! I'm glad to see you all here ! Please enjoy the evening and have a good time! We will talk business later » he winks at the end of the sentence. Everyone laugh and applause.
When everyone get their attention out of us he turns to me « You did great Love » he says shamelessly « Sorry what? » I ask shocked « Listen here boy, we ask me if I agree to marry you. I still didn't decide and even tho I'm ready to do it for business I'm also ready to say no if your behavior doesn't please me. Is that clear ? » I say firmly « Clear as water sweetheart » he smiles. « I will give you my answer tomorrow. » I say leaving him to join Melody.
Jungkook's POV
I was dizzy after my few glasses. Thanks God I wasn't in my right mind, otherwise i would have fainted from anxiety. Namjoon joins me when he saw Y/n leaving « What's up? What did she tells you? » he asks chuckling « she said will give me her answer tomorrow » I smirk proudly « Nothing is played for now... try to seduce her not make her leave you stupid » he hit my head « uh » I huff at the shock on my head « On my way sir! » I wink.
I walk to her and excuse myself to the people she was talking with « May I have a dance with you? » I ask with a light reverence. She looked around her and took my hand « Sure » she says with her usual straight but beautiful face. I guide her on the dance floor and dance a slow with her. Holding on her waist close but not much to me.
Our faces were so close to each other that I could feel her breath and her mind «How much did you drink? » she suddenly asks « just enough to be more relax... your brother told me too » I chuckled. She breaths heavly « Okay...tell me... » she begins « yes? » I answer attentively « why should I marry you aside of business ? It's an important and I do not know you that much... » she asks me « It's important to me too believe me but I can assure you I will take care of you, cherish you and love you » I look at her fondly « and what if I don't love you? » she asks still dancing with me
« I will make you love me in anyway I can » I smile softly « You do love me? » she asks suddenly « I-I..... I don't LOVE you yet but I have deep feelings for you. Since I met you, I can't get over you » I explain genuinely
«Why? » she simply asks but makes me clearly flustered « Because.... Just you.. you are not perfect because no one is... but you are perfect for me. Because you are you. You are confident, beautiful, hardworking, a real badass, you are just being yourself! » I breath out « Well I think it's enough for me to take my final decision » she simply says again with her straight expression. I didn't know what to think and didn't want to ask her so I just stay quiet.
After that I got more drinks just to relax, I couldn't hold my self of stressing out. Y/n came back to me to inform me it was time for me to make my speech. I tried to act as sober as I could and walk with her holding on my arm in the middle of the stage.I tried to hide it from her too because I knew she would kill me any time soon. I took myself together and try to start my speech.
«HeY everYoNe ! I hope YoU aRe havIng a grEat evEning! I want To intrOdUce the New AgEnCy of my ComPanY! » I start feeling dizzy and hold tighter on Y/n. She soon understood I wasn't in my right mind « Exactly! So we are announcing you our collaboration to create for Jeon's corporation a new label who will sign ALL the singers and artists who will win the reality show aired on the other new Jeon's creation : it's own channel! » she speech's for me.
Everyone applause and cheer us once again. She acts like everything was alright and took me down the stage. People came congrats me and cheer me. Soon she take me out of the crowd « It's enough for today, I'm taking you home » she says walking to the parking. She get me in her car and I told her my address. She took me at my home and made me enter the password. We enter my apartment and take care of me and put me in my bed...

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