Episode 16

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«Really? You sure? I don't want you to force yourself to do something you don't want to. » he asks to be sure « I don't have any problem with it... » I assure him getting in the bed « You prefer right or left ? » I ask him « As you prefer » he says walking to the bed « It will be left for me! » I say getting comfortable. As he gets in the bed, silence take the room. I was quick to get sleepy but I felt like he wasn't comfortable. « Jungkook? Are you comfortable? is there something wrong maybe? » I ask him
« Will it bother you if I hug you or cuddles you? » he suddenly asks « uh.... I don't know... I didn't thought about it... I said I will try to get invested in this relationship so.... Let's try for tonight » I answer looking at him. « You sure? » he asks still unsure « are you gonna keep asking? » I ask back « Sorry » he chuckles and finally hugs me.

At this exact moment I felt a wave of warmth and comfort. I felt his hot breath on my neck and I was silently listening to his breathing rhythm falling asleep soon enough. I felt so good in his embrace. It felt right and weird at the same time. Was I falling for him? Was is it a good thing? Wasit a good idea? I didn't know but what I knew is that I will enjoy tonight because I've never sleep that well.
Jungkook's POV
I was hugging her in my arms her head in the crook of my neck. Even tho I was the one hugging her, I felt so safe and at my ease. Like we were to piece of a puzzle which were finally reunited. « Y/n? you are already sleeping? » I ask her but I got no answer, only her soft snores. « Do you know how you make me feel? I love you so much. You are the key of the door of my happiness » I whisper falling asleep me too.
Next morning
I woke up and my eyes flutter open from the shining sun coming through the stores. I look next to me only to see her face on my chest hugging my waist and breathing softly. I didn't want to wake her up and since it was our wedding we got a week of break. So I just decide to look at her until she wakes up on her own. I watch her like the time doesn't exist anymore.
Before I could even realize it, it's been 2 hours that I was watching her and she finally start moving. She slowly opens her eyes and look up at me « Good morning sleeping beauty » I greet her « Mornin' » she mumbles with her sleepy voice. « Have you been awake for a long time? » she asks me « 2 or 3 hours I don't know » I chuckle « What? Why didn't you wake me up? » she asks sitting herself more straight but not completely
«Because I was amaze by your beauty and didn't saw the time. » I laugh « huh, my beauty... you trynna seduce me or something ? » she asks waking up from the bed and that's when I realize what kind of pajama she was wearing « I only say the truth you kn-» I say but stop when I saw her « I know what? » she asks sassily « I- uhm... I fo-rgot hehe » I chuckle embarrassed and my cheeks getting pinky. « Are you sick? You're getting red... » she notices
« no no I'm good haha don't worry » I say getting out of the bed too and walking to the bathroom « I'm gonna freshen up quickly and join you! I can do the breakfast if you want ! » I tell her avoid her « No I'm gonna do it » she says leaving the room as I sigh heavely
I was falling more and more for that girl and I couldn't control it anymore. But did she felt the same toward me ? I felt like burning from the inside so I took a cold shower, cooling down and relaxing. I love her, I want her to be mine, forever. I don't want her to leave me, never. I won't let her go, I will protect her and love her at all the cost. I finally came out of the shower and took a sweatpants. I woreit and took a towel for my hair. And went downstairs.
Your POV
I was cooking calmly, cooking some eggs, putting jam and bread on the table. I went back to the cooker when I heard footsteps « It's almost ready, just a few t-things left but you can sit » I say hiding my stuttering that he didn't heard. When I saw him shirtless WITH wet hair, God I almost fainted. Bro he is getting even more fine each second, damn.

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