Episode 9

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I turned around and get my focus back on Melody. « How much did you drink? » I ask her « I DoN'T kNoW...3 or 5 » she giggles « Do you want me to get you back home ? » I propose « I DoN'T KnOw WhErE I LiVe... » she giggles again « oh gosh.... » I breath out. Just then Yoongi and Jin came back « I'm done.... I'm too tired to continue for tonight! I'm going home. It's already 1:30 » Yoongi whines. He looks towards me and Melody « Is she alright? » he asks me « She is drunk as hell! I don't know where she lives » I answer
« I can get her home I have already drop her few times after work since she doesn't have a car » he explains « Oh yes please take her before she passes out! » I tell him almost pleading « Sure. We'll see you Monday Y/n » he greets me grabbing Melody « See you » I greet back. « Wait I will come with you and help you » Jin adds following them « See you koo, Miss » he greets Jungkook and I. « Well I think I will get going too » I add
«May I drive you home? » Jungkook proposes me « No I'm good I came with my car. Thank you » I refuse taking my stuff « But you drank... I will feel better if I drop you, you look dizzy... I will send your car down to your home. » he insists « I am good don't worry I- » I assure but when I stood up and almost fall back. « Okay I'm taking you » he repeats holding me by my waist and walking out. « But you drank too! That's not fair let me go » I say trying to escape his grip.
« No actually I only drank soda... I was supposed to get Jin back but he did otherwise. Now sit » he says making me sit on the front the seat. He was so close to my face while putting my belt on that I felt his breath. When he get out of my side to walk to the other side his lips almost touch mine.
After that I got goosebumps all over my body. Jungkook notices it « Are you cold? Here my jacket » taking off his jacket and putting it on my upper body. I get myself comfortable and my head on the window. I look out the building walking behind me and lights shining in the night. Without any explanation I straight myself on my seat « Are you okay? » he asks me his hand on my tigh « I'm good » I assure him getting comfortable again. But even tho I was back to normal he didn't take his hand off my tigh.
I didn't say anything, and I didn't have the strength to. After a while we finally arrive and he help me to get there. « Come on » he says helping me do get out of the car holding on my waist again. He walks me to the elevator and then until my door. « You have to enter your code Y/n » he informs me. I click on the board but I wasn't seeing clearly. « Tell me what is your code? I will do it for you » he tells me holding me with one hand
«Well it's .... 1-9-9-7 » I answer starting to pass out.... I'm not used to drink a lot when I am stress and this 3 drinks were too much for me tonight. He giggles at my words « what's funny? I'm not talking like I'm drunk so what is funny? » I say angry but not enough like I do usual « nothing » I say still giggling. He takes me inside and walks me to my bed. I sat on my bed and struggle with my shoes.
He knelt in front of me and took them off for me. He looks up to me silently, he didn't say a word. He was just silently looking at me. He eyes were traveling between my eyes and my lips. He then starts to lean on me and his lips were almost touching mine. I didn't move. Was it the alcohol? Was is something I wanted? I don't know. His lips finally touch mine. I let him kiss me and even kiss him back. At this moment I really think it was the alcohol. And the fact that it's been 3 years that I'm single.
We start to make out and I didn't stop it. I felt weak and good at the same time. After a few minutes, my hands were traveling from his hair to his shirt collar and I start to open it. He breaks the kiss and looks at me with clear lust in his eyes. But he stops himself « we can't do that love.... You are not in you right mind.. you might regret it afterwards and I don't want that. » he says smiling softly at me standing up. He caress my hair
« Get some rest,.... we will meet soon enough. Take care, good night Love » he greets me kissing my forehead and leaving the penthous. I just look at him like a dumbass.... I wasn't really realizing what was happening, I change in a pajama and felt asleep right away after that.

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