Episode 19

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2 weeks later
After enjoying ourselves out of the work and together, we got to know eah other better and I felt way more comfortable with him. Since we are now married, he got an office at my agency and I have one in his company. It's been a week that we came back to work and today I was at Jeon's corporation. As I walk through the corridors, I hear a familiar voice. I was about to go and greet him when I heard a conversation which was about to change everything.
"This marriage is way more than just a fusion...Jeons did that to get Kim's corporation for them" a man tells to Jimin "Really ?" Jimin asks " Jeon's corporation will eat Kim's and made them their" he explains. I walk a little more to pick and see who was talking ans saw the financial director. "WOW What if she gets to know that..." Jimin mutters. As he finishes his sentence I make noise with my heels to avert that someone was coming.
I finally appears as I saw the man bowing to me and leaving " Hello Y/n! What's up?" Jimin greets me innocently "Hey, fine and you?" I greet back like I heard nothing. "Good! So how is your married life? Is it annoying?" he says jokingly " To be honest, not at all. I love it!" I laugh but I could see something different on him that I couldn't drescribe. "Oooh I am happy that you are enjoy it then...I have some work, talk to you later" he says with a touch of disappointment on his face.
After leaving the place too, I decide to get ride of my doubts about this marriage and have a look to the financial files and benefices of the company with my agency. I took all the files I needed to check and went back to my agency. I send a text to Jungkook to inform him that I'm not here anymore. I arrive in my office and ask Yoongi and Melody to take care of my work of the day to take care of those files.
I start going through the files and check the benefices. I could see that Jeon's beneficies are high and have a good financial management. I spent my whole day going through those files only to understand that there was only 2 answers to my question : he really liked me and wanted me to be his wife or he really wants to get Kim's corporation. I decide to not show anything fornow and go back home. I will just call Jimin to have a talk with him about it.
Next day
As soon as I arrive at the office I call Jimin to meet him "Hey Jimin, are you free today?" I ask him "Ummm.. I have a few things to do but I will be free at 5pm. Is that good for you?" he proposes. "Sounds perfect see you at the cafeteria" I answer hanging up. All day long, I was waiting to meet him and have a real talk with about it. I was hoping that maybe he got more informations about it.
5pm, at the cafeteria
I went at the cafeteria and took a coffee and was impatiently waiting for Jimin. I keep drinking my coffee so fast that it was done in a minute. After a few he finally arrives "Hey Y/n, so what's up? It seems pretty important in the phone." he asks sitting in front of me "Okay let me be honest in the first place. i heard you and the financial director yesterday. Which brought me to go through the files and I went to a conclusion with 2 solutions : he really wanted to get married to ME or he wants to gets my company... I was wondering if maybe you got more information about it?" I explain.
He looks at me like he felt sorry for me "Well, after I talked to him yesterday, .....I made my own research about and .... here what I found" he says getting files from his bag and handing them to me. I look at him in wonder and took it, looking through it.
As I read the files, it shows that by getting married to me it could help Jeon's corporation to get Kim's corporation and become a biggest company in Korea in through the world. "So it was all a lie... he never wanted me to marry him..." I say in disbelief. "I'm sorry Y/n, but I will be here if you need me" he comforts me " First of all, i'm gonna leave the house and go back to my penthouse" I say standing up « Don't hesitate to call me okay? » he asks me again « Sure thank you a lot Jimin! » I thank him « Anytime » he smiles
I didn't bother to go back to the house and went straight to my penthouse, I still have my stuff their done it wasn't a problem. I felt so disappointe, I trustles him and had growing feelings for him but it was just a game for him a this time. I didn't answer to any of his call and text Melody and Yoongi to meet me to explain everything

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