Episode 6

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Your POV
I met 2-3 others CEO who were interested to add entertainment to their companies and my dad also asked me to develop our part of entertainment. I was managing each and every contracts. On level of importance, I send some projects to different departments of the company. I kept my dad's project to me and our biggest contract with Jungkook too.
I ask Yoongi to manage all the organizations of Jungkook's new label and channel. Today was the announcement party, so I have to handle last minute details and check if Jungkook is okay with that. « hello? Jungkook? » i call him « hey! How are you? » he answets to my call. « Good... I call you cause I have a few thing to check with you for the announcement's party » I explain « oh sure what is it? » he asks « When are you free? I need you to come to the hall » I tell him.
«Oh well give me a min..... either in 2 hours either ...... in 2 days I will be free all day. » he answers « I think it's better if you come in 2 days we will have more time » I tell him « okay, noted. See you there then. » He greets me. I had to go check everything on myself first and adjust it on my own. I arrive at the hall andsaw all the decoration with Jeon's corporation logo. « Yoongi? How is it going? » I ask him « Everything is almost ready. We need to choose some colors and choose the placement of M.Jeon sit but we will be done within a week for the rest.. » he explains
« Perfect... he will be here in 2 days for the details. » I tell him « great. About the management of the agency, I called producters and tv shows journalist. There is a few ones which are interested about it. For the label, I called producters and song writers, all music's professional that I know and I had also positive answers. » he adds
« Good...I'm gonna check on Melody. Thank you » I say walking away from him while he went back with the designer. « Melody? How is it going for you? » I ask her walking to her « Oh well I talked to some international journalists, a few of them are down. For the translation I also did my ways for that. » she answers me checking her list « That's good then. I'm going to my office to handle my dad's contract » I avert her « Sure Miss. »
2 days later
I went to the hall waiting for Jungkook to arrive. It was 9am and I checked the new changes before he arrives. After 15 min he finally arrived « Hello Y/n. How are you? » he greets me « Good you? » I ask back « Fine... so what's up? » he smiles « Well you need to make some choices about random colors and just check around if everything please you or if you want to change something » i explain « okay. Perfect let's go » he says happily
«Okay so we tried to match everything with your company colors and logo. But you could change it to give more impact. » I explain « Yes, your colors can give a good familiar vibe but changing it can also give a powerful vibe » Yoongi explains « I see....*he turns to Jin* What about both... keeping our colors and adding 1-2 colors matching with ours. What you guys think about it? » he proposes. Jin nods as a yes and Yoongi follows the idea « I think we are good with the colors then. Yoongi will manage that with the designer. May I show you your sit for the party? » I propose and he nods still smiling
« We found this throne/sofa where you can sit with whomever you want and still having a powerful state. » I explain showing the center of the hall « I definitely love it! You did a great job Y/n » he compliments me « I only did my work and it's only the announcement party. The real work hasn't begin yet. » I tell him
«Still you are a great job. Jin can you handle the details with Yoongi and Melody please? » He says turning to Jin « Sure. » he says bowing and heading to my assistants « Well Y/n I really like what you did here. I already bought the buildings for the Label and the channel. » he explains me « That's good. I will start to work on that as soon as I can » I assure him « I'm sure you will! And about the party.... As you said I should probably go with someone. » he continues
«Yes, you should. It gives a good impression » i tell not knowing where this conversation was going « Well for now I have no body to go with.... But I have someone in mind. » he says looking at me « mmh good.... » I say not asking more « I was wondering if you accept to come with to this party Y/n? »

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