Chapter One

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Author's Pov:
You were walking down the hallway just to feel a heavy body on your back

"Jake! What the heck? Get off of me!" You slightly yelled at him

"How are you, Y/nie?" Jake said as he came in front of you

"Nothing special, as always?" You said as Jake leaned onto your locker smirking

"How's your hubby doing?" You were confused but suddenly you hit his arms playfully getting what he meant

"Yah!! Can you stop? I'm trying to move on from him and you here talking these?" You said "I'm!! Because I don't want you to move on! You both look cute together!" He said

You started to act like you were about throw up leaving him acting pale "What will happen if you see him with other girls?" "Making them break up I'll make you two come together" he got cut off by someone

"What are you guys talking about without me?" Turning their gaze they saw Sunoo

"It's just you know I was asking about her husband! But she started to pick fight?" Jake said, you were about hit him again but  stopped, hearing the squeals of girls'

Going to the crowd you saw him, Lee Heeseung!! Aka your crush and your husband for Jake and Sunoo

Seeing him walk inside the school with his friends. Their group was really popular

As he passed by you, your heart started to beat faster! suddenly Jake pushed you which made you fall above Heeseung

'shit' you curse under your breath. He scoffs making you get up and keep bowing at him and keep apologizing

"I'm really sorry" you said glaring at Jake making him gulp but also smirk

You all went to classroom and sat in your spot as Heeseung sat right next to you making your heart beat like crazy

"Why are you sitting next to me? You should seat with your friends" "Do you have any problem? I'll sit wherever I want!" He said

"Well you are quite popular and I don't think the girls like you with me" you said and next thing he did made your eyes wide

He came closer to you and hugged you, snuggling his face on the crook of your neck. You could feel his hot breath against your bare skin

"How does it feel?" "I'm going to be in trouble because of what you're doing!" You said while stuttering "I don't care about you"

He pulled back smirking and when the teacher came the class started

It was sudden you couldn't process what just happened

You removed everything from your head and focused on your studies

After class you came back to your locker to put your books inside as it was recess

Suddenly you felt a hand grabbing your hair harshly making you whimper in pain

"AHH!!" your scream echoed through the hall as everyone was in cafeteria

"What the hell? What do you want?" "Leave him ALONE!!" "What are you talking about?"

"Leave Heeseung alone! He's mine!" You were about to talk back but didn't felt her hand anymore

You look at your side and saw her on the floor

Your eyes widened seeing who helped you, it was Heeseung

"I'm not yours! And stop hurting others! Or it will be worse! Got that?" He said to the girl who was in the ground and dragged you out of there

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