Chapter Sixteen

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Heeseung's Pov:

"Son?" I snapped my eyes to follow the voice and found mom putting her hand on my shoulder with a worried expression "you alright?" she asked as I hesitantly nodded to not make her worry but she was my mom, there's no way I could fool her with my actings

"but your face says otherwise" she sat on the bench beside me. we were on the campsite, in front of the bonfire. mom and Jake was enjoying while doing their work while I was just zoning out on my seat

mom might've noticed the dull expression on my face, that's why she approached me. To mom's question, I sighed before putting on a fake smile "it's nothing mom, enjoy your time, don't worry, hm? I'll just come back" I got up to make my way towards where our bags were kept so I could check something on my phone until I felt a tug on my wrist making me look back

"If something's bothering you, hee, please don't keep it to yourself, share it with someone so you'd feel lightened a bit" she spoke, patting my hand as sigh again left my mouth "I will"

zipping open the bag, I took out my phone and continued to press the power button as my phone seem to be switched off

If I have to say about what I am feeling right now it's uneasiness and scared. I don't know why but I felt like something is wrong, an off kinda vibe was never leaving me

and my mind was always occupied thinking about y/n. She's way far from me and the fact that her sister was danger to her, made put on a small tracking devise so that I can see where she is

the baby blue scrunchie I gifted her. yes, you're right, the tracking devise is on the scrunchie she was wearing

as soon as I saw that my phone turned on, I quickly pressed the application that is connected to that devise

"what the?" my eyebrows crashed seeing the location, it shows that the devise was somewhere between the woods? like it was totally full of trees, like a jungle

sweat started to form on my forehead as negative thoughts started to surround my mind

"JAKE!" I shouted his name, making him run towards my direction and I also saw that mom was behind him too. "yo bro, you okay-" "no! No, I'm not" I snapped at him as he held my shoulder and looked at me worried "Heeseung, calm down. what happened? Tell me" Jake questioned as I showed him my phone's screen which made him frown at me "what is this?" he asked

"y/n" I breathed out and soon Jake's expression fell to a worried one too "what about her?" He again asked as I took a long breathe before telling him everything about the tracking thing as well as my doubts on Ara

"I'm booking an Uber. Go home with mom by that and I'll go to this location" I was about to go but Jake pulled me back "I also wanna come with you" he said as I nodded "I'll share the location with you, come after dropping mom off, hm?" jake agreed and went towards mom as I ran off to where our car is parked

On the other side

Y/n's Pov:

"Mhm" a muffled noise made out of my mouth as I tried to open my eyes.  What happened? I thought to myself as I blinked continuously to adjust my vision as it was blur. I tried to move but I found myself being tied up with a chair and in a very creepy and unknown room

the walls were of woods and the roof was kinda broken as it was kinda leaning down. I was busy looking around the room, trying to find out how I'd get her when a voice was heard from in front of me

"woke up, sissy?" recognizing that familiar voice, I snapped my head in front to see my nightmare standing in front of me "A-Ara, why am I tied up like this a-an where are we?" I stuttered feeling scared of her

I watched in horror as a smuggy smirk crept up on the corner of her lips "you're here like this because of me" she replied ever so calmly as if it's a very normal thing making I stare at her in disbelief

"why-" "oh please" I was cut off by her hissing sound catching me off guard "don't even bother to complete that dumb sentence" she rolled her eyes as I was left dumbfounded "what do you mean?" That came out low

Ara took slow steps towards me and bent down on one knee as she looked at me in the eye, leading to a very long eye contact

Not being able to handle the tension any more I decided to break the silence but that was the biggest regret of my life

"Ara-" I flinched when suddenly the room echoed with maniac laughter coming from the maniac  in front of me. but what scared me more was the next line that rolled off her tongue

"you thought you could fool me?"

Switch Of Scene:

here Heeseung was driving crazy to the location where it showed you were. God, please keep her safe

Heeseung's pov :

I kept praying to God for her safety as I was a little bit far away from the location. shit I let out in mind as I saw a traffic coming in front of me

Quickly pressing the brake, I ran out of the car and caught a man that came from the other side of the road "what happened here?" I asked, as traffic's almost never happens around here "an accident happened" he replied

I nodded and turned around to get inside my car again but a hand was placed on my shoulder. I hesitantly looked back again and saw that it was the same gentleman "you seem to be in a hurry, the traffic will still be here at least for more than thirty minutes" he said as my eyes widened "what?" my heart dropped at the news

the man seemed to notice my face turning pale as he shook me by my shoulder bringing me back to my senses "is there anything that I can help with?" he asked as I snapped my head at him and nodded almost immediately

Taking my phone out from the case where it was placed in the car, I showed him the screen, the location and asked "can you tell me how can I go there?" I asked with a shaky voice as the gentleman looked closely to it before mumbling under his breath "it's middle of the woods" he looked at me as I nodded

"Please sir, please help me" I pleaded "it's really important and urgent" I looked at him with hope as the man seemed to think about something

"It will be a little struggle.." the man started to speak as my ears were wide open, attentively listening to everything "but it will be quick if you take the way I tell you" he completed as my eyes sparkled hearing him

"please, tell me" I was growing impatient "see these bushes? Go inside of it, they lead to a jungle, follow the location it's saying, and hopefully you'll reach your destination" he explained as my eyes grew wide as well as the smile that had formed on my lips when the nice man talked about helping me

I was basically jumping right now "thank you, thank you so much, sir" I took both of his hand in mine "I can never thank you enough" I kept thanking him

"It nothing, son just go and accomplish your mission" my eyes softened when he called me son for some reason as my wide smile dropped into a soft one feeling the heavenly feeling

blinking the tears away, which unknowingly formed in my eyes "thank you once again" he softly placed his palm on my head and patted to pat my hair

the next second, I ran off on the footpath, heading to where I was supposed to be. in the middle of walking, I turned back to find the man still standing there, smiling at me

I looked in front and sped up pace, feeling my heart beat faster for some reason, as if my confidence had been increased

End of pov

on the other the man watched him disappear from his sight making him sigh and later look up at the sky before opening his mouth

"please help him, God"

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