Chapter Ten

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"hello, aunty" hee politely bowed to the lady who stood other side of the door

"I'm Heeseung" he introduced himself as he saw the confusion written in the elder's face

"Y/n's friend" he smiled as she nodded and warmly letting him inside the house

If you're wondering what is happening then let me explain

After finding out about your sickness he found himself at your door step to check on you

"What brings you here, son?" your mom asked as he kept his backpack down on the couch

"Awwe, are you here because of me, mom" hee got interrupted hearing a cheeky voice behind them on the stairs

"What? But he said his y/n's friend" your mom asked "mom, he's here for me-" "I came here to check up on y/n" Heeseung this time cut Ara off "I heard she's sick" he completed with a straight face, clearly annoyed to see her here

'so, they are siblings' hee sighed

"Oh, she's in her room upstairs, you can go there" your mom sweetly smiled making hee nod and make his way towards your room walking past a furious Ara who was clenching her fist in anger

"come in" Heeseung heard a weak voice before letting himself in your bedroom

"who is it?" you asked with your shaky voice which was barely audible "Heeseung" he softly said which made you get out of your covers and look back at him in shock

"What are you doing here?" Y/n asked being a little bit flustered

"Heard you were sick so I came to see you" he answered as you looked down to hide the light pink tint that appeared on your cheeks

later there was an awkward silence which both of you didn't know how to break

"Y/n, drink this warm soup, honey" suddenly you both saw your mom coming inside your room with a tray which had a bowl of chicken noodles soup, a warm glass of water and a chocolate shake

"Here you go, Heeseung" she handed the large glass into his hands as he thanked her "I want a shake too" you whined and cutely pouted

"You have to get well fast then" Heeseung chuckled as your mom shoved a spoon full of soup into your mouth

your mom then later gave you the bowl and left the room

You tried to drink the soup but your hand was shaking and you could barely drink anything

Heeseung noticed that as he took a napkin and cleaned your chin before taking the bowl and spoon from your hand

"I can do it-" "yeah, I know and I clearly saw that" hee rolled his eyes before taking the spoon to your mouth, feeding you

He was feeding you and you were also peacefully taking it in like a good girl cause you knew how much he hated when people didn't listen to him, not bossy like

"I'm sure she's not a baby that needs someone to feed her" you both turned your gaze to your rooms doorway as you gulped looking at the sight in front of you

Ara was standing there, arms folded over her chest

You looked down feeling nervous and scared under her burning gaze "and is there any problem?" Heeseung asked and annoyance was clearly visible in his voice

"I just don't-" before she could complete her shits, your mom came "leave them alone, Ara. And come help me in the kitchen" she ordered which made Ara stomp her foot out of your room

your mom then looked at you both with a small smile "thank you, mom" you softly said as she nodded and left

"I guess I should get going-" Heeseung stood up as you looked up at him "no" you replied almost instantly

Heeseung lifted a brow of his as you gulped realizing your action

"I-I meant that Jake and Sunoo can't come as they're busy and I don't have any company... also it will keep away Ara from coming into my room" you mumbled the last part as he chuckled

"Only if you want" you played with your fingers as you're not used to requesting stuffs to people "so, you like my presence?" He asked as you looked down to hide your golfball eyes and blush from him

"Y-yah, I didn't say that" you whined as he sat back down in your bed and continued to tease you which made you both laugh and have fun time together

It's been a really long time since you looked so lively

Completely being unaware of those jealous eyes which were glaring at the picture of you both being so happy together

"Why don't you stay for dinner, son?" Your mother said "I would've loved that aunty but I have to help my mum as some guests will be coming" he said while putting his sneakers on

"Aww, such a sweet boy, I really wished to have a son like you but a son-in-law will also do. Who knows? Maybe you'll end up being our y/n's husband someday, huh?" The elder laughed as your wide eyes went towards Heeseung to see him trying to hide his smile

You broke the eye contact as you felt your cheeks heat up "mom~" you whined being embarrassed

"I'll get going then, aunty" he bowed at your mother before turning at you, waving you a small bye before leaving your house

As soon as you locked the front door, you turned around facing your mom "why would you do that?" You whined once again like a baby "what? Did you really think I wouldn't notice that you liked this boy?" She replied as you pouted and kept whining while stomping your way up towards your room

You were now currently in your bed, all cozied up while reading a book when suddenly a figure entered your room as you looked up in horror to see your sister standing there

"Aren't you having a little too much fun, sissy?"

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