Chapter Eighteen

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Y/n's POV:

I was alone standing barefoot on the sand, enjoying scene of the light waves. heaving out a long breathe, I closed my eyes thinking about all the chaos that happened to me in the past

It has been three years since that traumatic incident had happened. yes, that incident where I was about loose my life in the hands of my own blood related little sister

After fainting at that place, I found myself in a hospital bed and Heeseung was sitting beside me. When I asked her about what happened back there he looked down before meeting my eyes again, telling me every little thing's which led me to be shock

I felt hurt to know that she had so much struggles. now some of you probably might be telling me to not feel like that but what can I do? She was my sister. The one whom I loved to the core of my heart. It's not easy to forget someone you loved

I was lost thinking until I felt two arms wrap around my figure. "Hee?" I called out his name as he hummed against my skin, digging his face in my nape

I attempted to turn around causing him to pull back and face me "what are you so deep thinking about, honey?" he asked as I shook my head "my life" I smiled meeting with his dreamy eyes again

"It's been three years" I whispered, loud enough for him to hear as he pulled me into his warm embrace

End of POV
"I have surprise for you, love" you pulled back and frowned hearing him "what is it?" raising an brow, you waited for his answer but instead he just mischievously smiled at you

"what?" you chuckled as he shook his head. "someone's back" he replied making you more confused "who-" and that's when you heard that familiar voice from behind

"Sissy" you quickly turned around to see her standing at a distance. "A-Ara" your eyes teared up seeing her after so many years of waiting

you ran towards before you engulfed her in a tight hug. "My little one" you mumbled while warm tears fell from your eyes to her shoulder. "Unnie" she sniffed. wiping her tears, she pulled you back and brushed her fingers against your cheeks

"You're back" you said a she nodded. "I've missed you so much" she stated holding your hand "Unnie, I'm so sorry for doing all those terrible and disgusting things to you-" you placed your palm on her mouth "it's okay-"

"no, it's not! I did so many bad things to you, it's not okay. I'm really ashamed of my self. I put you in so much trouble, I'm really sorry" she cried out making you hold her by her shoulders

"I forgive you, Ara. What you did was past and you weren't you at that time. It's alright. I forgot it all. I just want to move forward with happy chapters of me and my lovely little sister now" you stated as she stopped crying and fixed herself

"what about us? Are you going make us a part of your story?" you both looked at your side to see Taehyun with your fiancé by his side coming towards you both

You smiled and also pulled him in a hug. "I missed you guys very much" you said and pulled away

"Unnie" Ara grabbed your attention "yes?" you looked at her "I need to break something to you" she said and kinda got shy catching you off guard "what is it?" You asked being completely clueless

Ara took small steps towards Taehyun as she was finally standing beside him "what is it?" you asked again "unnie~" she whined making you playfully roll your eyes "come on" you were the one to whine now

"It's that.." she played with her fingers as you were ears to hear her words "Ara" you were pissed off and shoot glares at her

"Fine, I won't beat at around the bush anymore" she huffed "so.." your raised a brow at her "me and Taehyun are dating" she finally spoke up "oh, congra-" that's when it hit you

"YOU BOTH ARE WHAT!?" you screamed making the three of them to close their ears

"Oh my god! congratulations, you both" you squealed and pulled them both into a hug again. "You, did you know about this?" you asked making the male scratch the back of his neck "uh..maybe?" he said with a awkward smile only to earn a smack on his arm

"Ouch-" "that's what you get for betraying me, you jerk" you pouted "but tell me how did it happen.. cause as far as I remember, you both hated each other as hell" you asked being curious "yeah I did hate this girl at that time because she was a whole witch but now.." Taehyun pinched her cheeks making her chuckle "spending my three years with her, I got to know about her truly and fell in love with the angel" he stared her with heart eyes

"you helped this angel to spread her wings" she confessed as you just stared at the couple in awe

"now" you three turned your attention to the man who back hugged you "I can finally marry my angel" Heeseung smiled and pecked the tip of your nose making you giggle

"and why is that?" Ara asked "we did get engaged after many requests and begging while trying to keep y'all's dating within me because your sister didn't want to do anything without you both" he sighed "but she was strict about not getting married until you both came" he finished as making all of you laugh

"you were that desperate to marry me, Mr. Lee?" you smirked at him "ofcourse, I can't wait for everyone to address you as Mrs. Lee and get you preg-" "Heeseung!" You said in a stern voice making him zip up his mouth with his fingers

"but I was just telling the truth" he said in tiny before hiding his face in the crook of your neck

you three laughed at his cuteness before going back home

- The End -

hi guys, it's me the writer <3
It's my first ever book. At first, I was ignorant of this story making this 18 chapters of story finish after maybe almost a year? T_T

As it's my first ever "book" (lmao 💀) or series, it might be bad, and I'm really sorry for that 😭

(P.s: it's almost two years actually 💀)

But I have a news~

I'm starting another book of mine called "Mr. Girl Hater" it's a book where the main lead is Jeon Jungkook of BTS

I wrote this Heeseung book because I suddenly felt like it

So, I guess y'all will show love to that too <3

Instagram: @seokevant

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