Chapter Five

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"Kang Yn is mine"

He let out those 4 words. Awkward silence were spread all over afterwards

Hee realized what he said "I'm done eating!" Hee said before getting up from his seat and went away

"What was that?" Jake said as I drank the water. You also got up from your seat. You fixed your dress before facing Mrs. Lee "Y/n? Why did you get up?" "Aunty thank you for the dinner but I have to head home now" you said with a smile on your lips

"It's pretty late! Jake go drop Y/n home!" "No, aunty there's no need! Jake didn't finish his food and I can also go by myself you don't need to worry" you smiled to them before getting up and leaving the house after bidding goodbyes to them

You waited at one side of the road for a taxi but it was quite late and you barely saw any vehicle

Suddenly a car stopped in front of you. You didn't care much until the door opened revealing a male figure with a mask standing in front of you but you just looked away

"You don't want to go home?" You recognized the voice "Heeseung?" "Yeah! Now get inside!" He commanded

"N-No, there's no need! Thanks!" "I didn't ask! I said get inside!" "No I won't!" You said rolling your eyes

He slowly moved closer towards you with a smirk which terrified you as you slowly moved backwards. Luck wasn't with you as you hit a pole. You tried going to the side but he blocked the way. You gulped finding no other alternative

His smirk grew wide as he said "Get inside if you don't want me to kiss you!" Your eyes grew wider hearing him. Your breath hitched seeing him slowly get close to you

You slightly pushed him and was about to run but he grabbed you by your wrist and pinned you against the car "You can't run away from me" he whispered sending shivers down your spine

He again started to lean in again as your breath got heavy. You saw the gap down his arm

You didn't waist any time and went out under his arm. Getting yourself in the car seat you locked it making Hee chuckled seeing your flustered face

"Good girl" he said making you blush more as you looked out the window

He sat in the driver seat and started the engine

He drove to your house and the whole ride was silent

Hee suddenly broke the silence "Forget what happened!" He said as you let out an awkward chuckle before answering him

"I did!"" You said getting out of the car as you realized you both were in front of your house "You thought I really think you'll kiss me?" "Not the kiss one but the thing on the dinner!" He said

"I-I always forget what you do or say! You're not important for me!" You stuttered as you lied

"Really, huh?" Hee smirked to himself "Y-Yeah! Btw thanks for the ride!" You were about to get inside but he held your wrist preventing from doing so

You looked at him confused before he spoke "If you forget what I do or say then I hope you won't remember this too?" You looked at him more confused

You were about to speak when you suddenly felt his soft lips on yours

It was for a few seconds as he pulled back and started walking towards his car like nothing freaking happened

"Yah! You can't just steal my first kiss freaking like that!" You shouted at him

He looked back at you with a straight face before fully turning towards you making you gulp

He started to come towards you, you didn't know what to do or couldn't even process what was happening

"Okay then?" He said making you confused

He leaned in and opened the front door making you step back inside the house

Stepping in, he pinned you against the wall

His one hand was caressing your cheek while the other one closed the door

He slowly leaned in as you closed you before you felt a pair of lips on yours

You were shocked but you still replied to the kiss

After a minute you both pulled back from the kiss for air as you panted heavily

He smirked seeing you state. You looked down blushing

"I'll go now" he said as he walked towards his car again

"Where are you going?" You asked him as he was above to get in the car. He looked back at you "Expect you to forget what happened?" He said as you bit your lower lip

He was about to get in again before you stopped him "I could've forget the first time you didn't even have to do that again!" You said as he turned back and walked towards you

You just stood still as he came towards you

"Thought it will be hard to forget as you always forget what I do?"

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