Chapter Four

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"Well, Maybe because you're melting me?" He said as your breath hitched

He smirked to himself

Soon you heard Mrs. Lee call you both for dinner

"Y/n and Heeseung come! Food is ready!" She said as you quickly got up ran walked towards her in speed making him chuckle "cute" mumbling to himself he went to eat

You sat down on you chair as Mrs. Lee said "Heeseung, call Jayoon down for dinner!" "JAYOON GET YOUR ASS DOWN TO EAT DINNER!" he suddenly shouted making you flinch

"Hee! I told you not to shout! Especially when we have a guest!" She sternly said as he rolled his eyes

"I thought she wasn't a guest!" He looked into my eyes "Yeah! And following that, I didn't mind it!" You formed a smirk on your lips as you let your chin rest on your palm

"Really, huh?" He said leaning in, poking his inner cheeks with his tongue as you did too but your smirk got wider

"Yeah?" And you guys kept leaning in after spitting words from your mouth forgetting that there was also an older figure beside you watching you two almost about to kiss or something

"If y'all are wanting to kiss each other indirectly then please get yourself a room! Don't do it in front of me!" She said as you both came back to senses and chuckled awkwardly

Hee realized that Jayoon wasn't down yet "That little-" he cursed under his breath before shouting again "YAH JAYOON! YOU DUMBASS, COME DOWN OR ELSE I'LL EAT YOUR FOOD!" he shouted as I heard some noise from upstairs

You got curious about who this Jayoon was so you asked Hee's mother "Aunty, who's Jayoon?" She smiled before replying "Jayoon is Heeseung's cousin" she smiled as I nodded

You heard a voice from the stairs but didn't bother to look up "Yah! Why didn't you come down at first?" Hee asked to his younger "I thought that you went out with Y/n for a date and also thought that I was just hearing your voice!" I looked up as found the voice familiar

"Jake what are you doing here?" "What are you doing here?" He defended

"You both know each other?" Mrs. Lee asked

"Yeah! We actually do!" "We're best friends, Eomoni!" Jake said getting down. He calls her Eomoni after his mother died and Hee's mother took care of him just like she took care of Hee "Wow I thought you'd know your best friend's full name but" he took a bite of his sausage

"Excuse me! Knowing full name doesn't have to do anything with being best friends! And I know his full name but don't hear it much!" You defended yourself

"Jake? Hee and Y/n were about to go on a date?" Mrs. Lee asked as your eyes widened "I thought so! The way he asked her! I thought he's asking her out but guess not?" He said sitting down beside Hee

"Jake! You're getting out of hands, I swear! And why didn't you tell me that your Heeseung's cousin?" You asked

"Thought that I wouldn't be able to hear you simping over Hee-" he got cut off as I shoved a spoon full of food inside his mouth

"Eat, Jake! And keep your mouth shut if you want children!" You said glaring at him. You ofcourse said that to warn him or else you would kick him in his balls but Heeseung didn't seem to get what you meant and thought that you meant Jake's and your kids as he sees on those movies or dramas the heroine says that to the hero meaning their children, which made Heeseung ball his fist up in anger and jealousy

His mother seemed to notice it as she asked "Heeseung dear? Why are you not eating?" She questioned as you looked at him too

"Nothing, just thought how y/n could already think of having kids!" He said making you choke on your food

His mother got worried as she landed you glass of water "What on earth? When did I say I'm planning to have kids? Huh?" You blurted out confused "didn't you say Jake to stop talking if he wants kids?" He said as your eyes widened in disbelief

"What the- I didn't mean him having kids with me? What the f? Ew!" "Yah! What do you mean 'eW~~' huh?" Jake got offended, dramatically

"She means having kids with you makes her feel disgusted!" Hee said giving him a death glare

"Oh come on okay? Every girls wants to feel this well built body of mine okay?" Jake said proudly "Exclude me from them Mr. Shim!" You said as Mrs. Lee laugh

"Oh come on! I know you want to marry me!" Jake said "pfft--- get out of your imagination Mr. Shim Jayoon! She isn't becoming yours!" Hee strongly said having confidence written all over his face as he grinned at Jake

"She will marry me!" Jake obviously joked around but Hee took in seriously as his clenched jaw

"Yeah, sure! In your dreams!" Hee slightly banged his hand on the table. You just looked at them speechless

Jake was joking, you knew it but Hee not giving up on you not marrying him, he looked very serious about it making you feel butterflies roaming in your stomach

"The marriage will be happening!" Jake said smirking at him knowing that Hee was getting jealous of Jake

"I'll make sure that'll never happen!" Hee said balling his fist again. You gulped at his dark aura

"Who gave you the right to, huh? She's mine!" Jake blurted out as a smirk crept to his lips seeing Heeseung clench his jaw tightly as jealousy was taking the best of him

And the next 4 words that came out from Heeseung's mouth made your heart beat faster then ever

"Kang Y/n is mine!"

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