Chapter Fourteen

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"ah~" you sighed as you stepped into your bedroom after taking a warm shower, you sat down on the stool in front of your mirror and started combing your hair

"today was a really great day" you said to yourself as you fell on your bed "good night, y/nie" you wished yourself before getting into a comfortable position and soon enough you were taken over by a deep sleep

"y/n" you heard someone whisper your name on your ears but you just put your hands on your ear thinking it's a mosquito

"baby, wake up" the voice again said as you got annoyed and stretch body "get lost, let me sleep- ugh!" you turned around and pulled the sheets above your head and tried to sleep again but something shook you by your arms "wake up, you idiot"

"what-" and that's when it hit you "thief?" you thought "AHHH-MHM?" a veiny hand was placed on your mouth preventing you from screamingly any further

"shh, don't scream, you'll wake everyone up" the voice shushed your u making your eyebrows crash "heeseung?" you took down his hand from your mouth "yes, it's me" he pulled down his hood making your eyes go wide

"what are you doing here?" you whisper-shouted at him as he held you hands "shush y/n" he again said

"why would I shut up, huh-" and again, realization hit you for the second time as you sudden panicked and got up from your bed

"babe-" "get up" you motioned with your fingers as he looked at you with his knitted brows "what-" he again got cut off "don't babe me alright? do you even freaking know what you're doing now, lee heeseung? what if ara-" you scolded him but he pulled down to his lap as you stared at him in disbelief "what-"

"don't bring ara between us, princess" his voice was stern

"but it's the reality, hee. I agreed to date you and You're now being childish and risking our safety" you said

"babe, it's fine. you're just overthink-" "no, I'm not overthinking, hee. she's dangerous!" you pulled his collar "and you're being careless cuz you don't actually know her" your breathed out as he cupped your cheeks

"hey, it's alright, don't panic, love. I'm here for you" "and that's what scares me" you looked at his eyes

"Heeseung, please leave. it's not okay" you got as he did too "fine, I'll leave" he put his arms over his chest "what?" you questioned seeing him not moving from where he was standing

"and you're coming with me"

and the next thing you knew was you were climbing down a ladder that was placed outside your balcony, which was also used by hee for him to get in to your room

"Heeseung, I don't think-" "shh, princess. just let go all of your worries, hm?" he cupped your cheeks as you nodded

"come on, hop on" he tilted his head, indicating for you to take your seat behind him on his bike

"hold on, tight, love" he told as you tightened your grip around his waist

"let's go" he said before starting to peddle away to where he said he wanted to take you

you pressed your cheeks on his back and enjoyed the quiet midnights view along with the wind "enjoying, love?" he asked before taking a glance at your figure

"mhm-hmm" you nodded against his back as he smiled and peddled away

"we're here" he said as he parked his bike and helped you get off

you looked around to see that you guys were in middle of a road surrounded by nature

"come" your head snapped at him as he brought his hand up for you to hold it. you gulped the nervousness away and took his hand

"the rest of the way is a little risky but I promise it will be worth all the struggles" he explained to you as you listened to him while staring at him with your doe eyes "r-risky?"

hee chuckled finding you cute. pulling you closer, he caressed your hair before comforting "don't need to panic, love. trust me, I'll not a single thing harm you, alright?" you nodded at his statement

"now, come on" you tightened your grip on his hand and followed him to the forest type of place, beside the road

you both came at a point where it was stairs leading to it's way down "be extra careful here, hm. the stairs are kinda slippery" he warned you as you nodded at his words

"ah-" you flinched as your foot slipped on a slippery place. you closed your eyes and held onto his shoulders as he was quick to hold you in his embrace

"what are you doing, Heeseung" your eyes widened when you unexpectedly got lifted up from the ground and to his arms

"just tightly hold onto me" he looked at you in the eyes "but, hee" you looked down "I'm heavy" you mumbled being embarrassed "stop talking nonsense, alright? or I'll throw you into the woods" he joked around making you snap your head up at him "yah" you whined

"enough of jokes, now let's get back to work" you securely wrapped your arms around his neck as he carefully took steps down the stairs

after a few minutes you both reached the place as he put you down on the ground "where are we going?" you questioned

"just follow me" he said before dragging you into unknown

"hee- whoa" your eyes went wide and your jaw fell to the ground when you saw the view present in front of your eyes

"like it, mi amor?" you looked over your shoulders for a bit as he snaked his arms around your waist

"it's beautiful, Heeseung" you commented, being mesmerized by the beauty of the nature "not more than you" snuggling his face on to the crook of your neck before planting a soft kiss there

"come let's sit on the sand" he led you to the front and made you both sit on the sand

"ooh~" you shivered as the cold wind hit you and the cold ocean water reach your feet's that was stretched out to the ocean

you both laid down on the sand and stargazed "it's so pretty to stare at for eternity" you let out, loosing yourself in the stars

"It sure is" the boy beside you replied you as you smiled and tilted your face to the side to find him already staring at you

your cheeks burned with heat as you looked up at the stars again. you felt like burying yourself under the ground after hearing a chuckle coming out of his mouth

no matter how many times you see this happen, it never get old and never fails to make you a blushing mess

and the starry night went on as you both shared each other's stories and admiring the beautiful sky, lying on the sand under the moonlight

but that was just the calmness before the actual thunder

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