Chapter Six

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He then got inside his car and drove off but you were standing there dumbfounded

"I can never understand him, can I?" You looked up at the sky as light rain was pouring

"Or is he just playing with my feelings?"


Like any other normal day you did your routines and currently you're waiting for the bus to arrive

After a few minutes it arrived and you got up and went inside

Sitting on a seat you looked outside the whole time without realizing the presence beside you until you felt a hand on your thigh

You looked down and looked up to see the playboy of the campus smirking at you

"Hey beautiful?" He said but you just yanked his hand away in disgust making him furious

"You don't like my touch, princess?" He grinned "Get lost you jerk!" You let out in anger before he caught your hands making you groan in pain

"Did a big mistake messing with me princess!" He slowly started to lean as you tried to free yourself and closed your eyes as few tears rolled down

But nothing happened and your hands were already freed

You opened your eyes to see Heeseung throwing punches at that jerk's face

Some were trying to stop the fighting when suddenly he stood up leaving that jerk all blooded

Hee then peaked at you before taking your hands and leaving the bus

"Where are you going?" You asked "my house" "why?" You asked stopping him

"We'll go in my car!" He replied before dragging you again

You both got in the car as he stared driving few minutes later you reached your school

You got out of the car and was rushing your way inside before a hand pulled you back making you bump into a chest, you knew who it was

He wrapped his arms around you making you feel safe which made those tears you had kept fall from your eyes

He snuggled his head in the crook of your neck before whispering

"I'll make sure no one ever dares to lay a hand on you!"

those words came out of his mouth making thousands of butterflies flutter inside your stomach

you pulled back and looked up at him with swollen eyes, when they suddenly landed on his hand "your hands"

Seeing your eyes fall on his hands he quickly hid them behind him, didn't want you to see all those bruise

"they are bruised" you stated and tried to see his hand but he didn't let you making you pull his arm forcefully which made him slightly wince in pain

your eyes widened seeing how many cuts hee got and how red his hands were making you look up at him in disbelief

"Were you seriously going to hide this from me?" you asked as he shrugged "I had to save you" he said

"Just come with me" you dragged him to the clinic also being carefully with his injured places

You made him sit in front of you on the bed "you don't really need to-" "shhh" you hushed him and came back with a first aid kit

You carefully took his hand in yours and applied the ointment on his cuts

He suddenly let out a hiss making you look up in disbelief "this made you hiss?" you asked as he rolled your eyes "shut up if you don't want me to kiss you" he knowing it would affect you

But you decided to play it cool proving Hee wrong "kissing isn't a game, Heeseung" you said being annoyed of him

"Then what happened last night meant anything to you?" he asked making you stop your movement as well as your heart for a second there

You looked thinking he would be joking but seeing his glossy eyes already looking at you, trying to find an answer, you both kept staring at each other's eyes

but it soon broke when someone's voice spoke making you snap out of it "here's some bandages y/n" you took the box from her head with a awkward smile "thank you, nurse"

you were soon enough done treating Heeseung as you both got up

"I'll carry your bag to the class for you" you bent down to pick up his bag before he shoved his bag away from you making you stand up straight again with furrowed eyebrows

"I can carry it- aish!" He winced as the bag brushed over his cuts

You took his bag away from him and started to run "yeah, you're so strong, now come on" you ran off making him chuckle "cute"

His eyes widened soon enough at his own statement making him slap himself "what? Are you crazy Lee Heeseung? What on earth did you just say? She's n-not cute! Why am I stuttering? Ugh!!" he groaned before making his towards the classroom

Time skip

It was lunch time, as the all students were gathered in canteen to have their lunches

You were at a table with your friends eating and being teased by them "whatever you say y/n, Hee hyung is surely falling for you" Sunoo said, following his Jake said "You both really look cute together"

"Shut up you both" you rolled you eyes making them chuckle "we are happy but not gonna lie I really miss hanging out with you" Jake sulked "True, y/nie. We didn't hang out has been really long time" Sunoo pouted making you break into a small smile

"Okay, then what about movies this Sunday night?" you suggested making them both clap their hands in happiness as you laughed seeing their cuteness "okay now let's eat- what the?" You suddenly felt someone block you eyes with their manly hand

"Who's this?" you held the hand after hearing the male chuckle "guess, bub" you gasped hearing the voice as you pulled the hand down before turning back

"Taehyun?" you smiled and hugged him very tight " woah you're so heavy, y/n" taehyun chuckled "yah!" You hit his chest completely being unaware of the jealous eyes from the other table watching your every movement with taehyun

"Hyung are you okay?" Jungwon asked seeing Hee's state, clenched jaw, bawled fist, bloodshot eyes

Hee looked back at his younger ones before shaking his head and tried to focus on eating but couldn't

He sneakily took a look at you before thinking to himself

"I am not jealous, right?"

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