Chapter Fifteen

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"well, have a safe journey, Jake" you wished him with a sigh, failing to hide the disappointment

"y/nie, I'm sorry, we'll three go to the park as soon as I come back to town" he hugged you close to him "alright, alright" you hugged him back "y'all seriously hugging without me, y'all twits" sunoo walked like an angry grandpa making you both laugh

"come on, you little boy" you chuckled and engulfed him in the group hug

"awwe, so cute" you all peaked out and found Mrs. Lee adoring you three "I really hate to break y'all's cute little time but we need to go" she pouted as you and sunoo came forward towards her and side hugged her "it's alright" you smiled before pretending to whisper

"we'll actually have some peace and this type of things are need to be shown tho we don't feel any sadness" you sarcasticly said and sunoo agreed "true" and nodded

"Yah, you idiots" Jake came and hit you both on your arms as you both laughed

"what are y'all laughing at?" All of your eyes turned to the staircases to see the owner of the voice "we were just teasing Jake, Heeseung" Mrs. Lee said as he nodded and looked up to lock his eyes with yours

"y'all eating each other by gazes, ew" sunoo commented making you break the eye contact instantly and shoot a glare at sunoo

"It's time for us to leave, y'all get your luggages out and I'm taking out the foods" Hee's mom went inside the kitchen

"I need help with my things" hee said "I do too" Jake also said "alright then I'll help you and y/n go help Heeseung hyung" sunoo said and you were about to go to hee but a grip prevented you from doing so

"no, y/n will help me and sunoo will help Heeseung hyung" Jake was about to pull you with him but another grip was placed on your other wrist

"sunoo is the one helping you, end of discussion" Heeseung said and pulled you towards him "what, no" Jake now pulled you

"Y'all stop it!" you screamed making both of male let go of your sides "I'll help hee and Sunoo will help Jake" you said and stood beside Heeseung "noo~" Jake whined while sunoo dragged him away

you chuckled and turned to your side, feeling a tuck on your hand "now, let's go" hee said and pulled you upstairs to his room with him

"what do need my help with?" you questioned, looking around his room as it was the first time of you being in his room

"I need you.." He walked forward after locking the door. he back hugged you and turned you around "to help my lonely lips" he said as your cheeks felt hot

"b-be serious, hee" you looked away but his finger, placed on your chin brought your eyes up to meet his brown one's "I want your eyes to be only on me, love"

he stated before leaning forward and connecting his lips with yours. he caressed your hair while softly moving his lips with yours

the kiss wasn't rough but full of love and was passionate. you lightly tapped your palm on his chest, indicating him to pull out

pulling out, he rested his head on your forehead. "I love you so much, y/n" he out of the blue blurted making you giggle "I love you too, hee" you smiled before pulling away and meeting with his eyes again "now let's do the other works, hm?" you gave him your doe eyes as he couldn't help but break into a smile along with a chuckle before nodding

"can you lock my luggage there?" he questioned while you went there as hee also did his work

after awhile, you both were done with the works as Heeseung went up to you "y/n-ah" "hm?" You got up and turned around "what happened?" you asked

"I have a small gift for you" he took your hand and put on a cute little baby blue coloured around your wrist "it's so cute" you commented and checked it out

"you liked it?" he asked as you looked up and shook your head making his eyes widened "I-I'm really sorry-" he stopped hearing you suddenly burst into laughter

"w-why are you-" "I loved it, Idiot!" you said and continued to laugh "you scared me" he huffed as you flashed him smile

"love" "hm?" you looked up at him "can you keep my words?" your eyes knitted "what words, hee?" you asked and put your focus on him "don't take this off until I come back" he said with some kind of pleading eyes

"I won't even take it off after you come back" you said and wrapped your arms around his neck "promise?" "promise" you pecked his lips and smiled as he just admired you

"that's why I said y/n to help me and not him" you both snapped and backed off hearing a voice coming from the doorway

"y'all seriously had to talk at the very wrong moment" Heeseung turned and glared at Jake and sunoo, who's head was popping out from outside

"ehm.. we just wanted to remind you guys that we really need to leave now but you both lovey dovey couples were taking too much time" Jake came inside along with sunoo

"pfft, whatever. instead of telling such long ass line you could've just admitted that your jealous" hee said and grabbed you by your waist, pulling you closer to him

"aish, guys stop it, aunty is calling y'all so please let's get going" Sunoo pleaded as you all laughed before hee took his bag and went downstairs along with you all three

"I'll miss you guys" you hugged Mrs. Lee before standing beside sunoo as you both helped them to put their stuffs on the trunk

"Bye guys, enjoy your journey and time" you and sunoo wished as they drove off

Time skip:

"y/n" you turned your chair to the doorway and saw your sister entering "yes?" you got up and stood in front of her

"Let's go on a trip" she suggested as you looked at her confused "w-why suddenly?" you asked being a little bit nervous

"we really didn't get to spend much time after I came" she scooted closer making you gulp "uhm, yeah sure I guess" you let out a nervous chuckle "let me call mom-" "no" you looked at her with furrowed eyes

"I mean, mom doesn't really need to know cause we will just hang out in the nature for a day and maybe come back at the evening" she passed a smile to you which gave you a really off vibe

"alright" you formed a fake smile to put on in front of her. Also Heeseung was away, so you were a bit scared

"take your important things and come downstairs, I'll be there" she said and skipped her way out of your room making you sigh and take out a small backpack of yours and start putting in the few needed things

"I'm ready" you came down and saw that Ara was on her phone. she looked up at you and passed you that creepy smile of her as she came forward "let's go then" she said as you nodded and made your way towards her car

"how long is it?" you asked turning your head to the right as you asked her because you felt like the drive has been for like almost half an hour and the place was quite, no living creatures were seen

that sure made you scared "don't worry, sis. we will be spending some time walking around in nature so I have the best place, but it's quite far" she explained as you nodded and looked out, trying to calm your heart beat down

"get off, we're here" you both got off the car and you looked around to see on woods "come this way" you snapped your head back Ara as she stepped more deep into the messed up trees- a jungle type of maybe

"where are we g-going?" you stuttered and gulped feeling scared "c'mon, stop asking question and just follow me" Ara was pissed off and you tried to follow her from behind but eventually you thought that you lost her making you panic

"A-Ara" you called out for her but no response. you breathing got uneasy as you looked around your surroundings only to see huge trees blocking your view

"Ara, where are you?" You shouted as tears started to build up on your eyes "Ara-"

and there, out of nowhere, from your behind

a metal object was banged against your head

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