Chapter Seven

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"I'm not jealous, right?" he questioned himself before he stabbed his fork into a piece of fruit from his fruit salad

Time skip

It was your science class as you got bored hearing your professor's blabbering about confusing topics, resulting you to not pay any attention

You kept your head down, sighing you wished to have something that would cheer you up and get your feelings out of this boredom

But I guess your prayers were heated

you snapped your head to your side which was empty, but you saw taehyun quietly taking that seat

"What are you-" you felt his palm pressed against your mouth preventing you from talking any further "shh, don't talk, ynie" he whispered a little sternly

"I don't wanna get punished by this dangerous prof on my first day" he sat beside you as you held back your chuckles

"hm, but why are you late?" You asked him "I was freaking lost in this humongous uni and some girls were just not help at all" he rolled his remembering some girls flirting with him

You giggled and said "what can I say? You're handsome after all" you complimented him and that didn't seem to come out a whisper which made the prof call you out

"Is there something funny, Ms. Kang?" your prof glared as you gulped and apologized where taehyun ducked down to avoid his gaze

you sat down as the prof went back to his blabbering after scolding you little making you glare at the male beside you

you turned your head to the back to stretch afterwards but there your eyes got lock with his

You gulped seeing Heeseung glaring at you from behind

"shit" you cursed under your breath totally forgetting that he was behind you, watching every move of yours

you turned around and calmed your self down. And your flustered self didn't go unnoticed by taehyun

"yah, what happened?" he asked as you snapped and glared at him "this all happened because of you, you dckhead" you cursed at him in a whisper with such a expression that showed your anger at him

"What-" "just shut up!" You whisper yelled at him as he bring his fingers up to show you that he has zipped his lips

you sighed and again put your head down trying to take a sneaky nap before the class ends

Time skip

"you're cousin is really handsome" sunoo complimented but you didn't hear it as your mind was roaming somewhere else

"Are you even listening to us?" Jake came in front of you making you stop on your walk

"Y-Yeah, of course I am" you stuttered "then tell me what we were talking about" he wrapped his arms over his chest

"Uh- I-" "what the hell is wrong?" Jake asked noticing your uneasyness "nothing is wrong" you lied

"Come on, y/n" he asked as you sighed and shook your head, dropping your expression "don't you trust us?" Sunoo suddenly said

You instantly shook your head "no, of course I do, it's just that.. ugh come with me" you said as both of the guys followed you to the bleachers

"So you're saying that she's coming back?" Jake asked to be confirmed

You nodded to him "how's your relationship with her? I'm asking by the look on your face, you don't seem happy" Sunoo stated as you sighed for the nth time

"We don't have that sister type of relation, she has always thought of me as her enemy because she thinks that our parents has always loved me and ignored her because of me where as the fault was her bratty attitude" you didn't realize when a tear slipped from your eye

you remember all those good memories, you were almost 2 years old when you were told that you would be getting a baby sister and later on your parents had her

You spent your entire day playing and talking with the new born, you adored her and loved her more than anything in this entire universe

But those vanished when you turned 12 and she turned 10 she started to be friends with girls which caused trouble and later on she became disrespectful towards your parents and a spoiled brat

She always used to hurt your father's and mother's feelings by complaining about everything, you were not poor but not rich either

Your family was a normal family, your three were happy with everything but your sister always complained, you sometimes felt like she took away the happiness in your family

She would often argue with your parents and would pick unreasonable fights with you, but as a sister you still loved her

On her 13th birthday, she shouted on mom and dad because they got her shoes she wanted but not the color she wanted

You tried very hard to make her understand but it seemed like she didn't want to

she once said that she would run away from you all but you didn't care, thinking it's what she always says but later on a day you guys didn't find her in her room and started searching crazily for her

Your mom started crying and your dad was furious after finding a note that said she was running away with her so called boyfriend

But he turned out to be a drug dealer and they both were sent to jail, your aunt meaning taehyun's mom had bailed her out and told to your parents that she would take care of her

Your parents were sad but they agreed thinking it was the best. And on that day when you met with her she hatingly said to you "see what you have done, my so called sister? Because of you my own parents aren't even protesting to not take me away from them, I fucking hate you, you heard that!!!" She screamed the last line at the top of her lungs which led your mental health go worse

You weren't never the fault but her words made you feel guilty even tho you did nothing wrong. Since then you didn't talk or hear from her again as taehyun's mom moved to Canada with her while taehyun went to America with his dad for his business and also for his studies

Taehyun's parents had divorced but he sometimes talked with his mother

You were deep in thoughts, sitting on your seat while the other students started to come in the classroom

You were so in to your world of flashbacks that you didn't realize when a figure took the seat beside you

"Earth to y/n" the voice spoke as you flinched and looked at your side "h-heeseung?" you gulped as he looked at you with worry in his eyes

"are you okay? You look pale" he touched your hand as you moved it away and nodded instant

He was about to talk further but the professor came, cutting him off

"Students, today we got a new student that got transferred here from Canada" the professor said but you couldn't pay attention

The new girl came in but your gaze was down all this time but you looked up instant hearing the girl say her name "I'm Kang Ara"

you gulped as your eyes got locked with her, her eyes also widened but her lips soon curved into a small grin

"Go take a seat, Ara" the professor said as she nodded and to her steps coming closer to you making your heart beat increase

she came and took the seat to your left making you sit between her and Heeseung

She smiled sending shivers down your spine. You didn't know why but your lips were trembling while seeing her in front of you after so many years

"I came back" she held her that creepy smile but her eyes slowly turned dark as the hatred of her for you became visible, she evily smiles before whispering in your ears

"To fullfil my promise that I made years ago"


"I promise to come back and make your life miserable just how you made mine"

those were the last words of the 14 years old Ara's to the 16 years old Y/n before she left

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