Chapter Twelve

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"I love you" he said

"we can't be together" she pushed him and was about to walk past him but a grip around her wrist made her look back

"why?" his voiced came out cracked

"we can't" she whispered

and with a force, she removed his hands and ran away from there with tears falling down her eyes

on the other hand, Heeseung stood there, dumbfounded

his fist clenched as he sprinted his way out to his class

"come in, Heeseung" he bowed as the professor let him in and he made eye contact with you before taking the seat behind you

the class went on but you couldn't concentrate on what the professor was teaching

you sat at the back of the class, knowing that how strong your emotions were. you could act weirdly and people might come to you asking you questions which you didn't want

your hand made its way to your head as you massaged it

you sighed, feeling a long stare on you which made you look back and you immediately regretted it as the stare belonged to no one but him

you looked to your front while you chest rose up and down feeling this tension between the two of you

finally lecture came to an end as you quickly packed your bag and made your way to your locker

you were settling you stuff in there when you felt a light tap on your shoulder

you looked over shoulder to see who it was but your breath hitched seeing him so close to you - few inches of gap between your faces

you were about escape after closing your locked but you for some reason lost your balance which led you to close your eyes - waiting for your body to come in contact with the floor

but instead of falling to the ground, you felt that your waist was held by a pair of muscular arms

you shot-opened your eyes meeting with his dark brown ones which always got you under their spell

being under that spell right now, you both stayed in that position, staring deep into each other's eyes but his voice snapped you back to reality

"be careful, I won't always be there to hold you" his remarks made you slightly blush but you hid it and faced him

"what do you want?" you spoke with your cold voice "giving me the cold shoulder won't make me forget my love for you, mon amour" he corrected your feeling

your eyes widened hearing his word but you realized most of the students eyes were on you both, so you grabbed his hand and took him to a quieter place

"do you not understand what I'm saying, Lee?" you tried to act annoyed "no, I don't understand what you're saying, Kang" he just played

"what's your problem, huh?" you asked "my problem is that you aren't accepting my proposal" he shrugged as you just stared at him in disbelief

"why can't you understand, huh? we can't be together" you reminded him again but he could care any less "why? what is the reason?" but you kept quite

"Ara?" you looked up with your wide eyes "w-why'd you take her name?" you stuttered "she is the reason, right?" he sounded serious as you avoided his eyes

"what? n-no-" "stop lying, y/n" he grabbed your arms "at least don't lie to yourself" he mumbles as you hesitantly looked up to meet his eyes

"I know, I know everything, y/n" he pulled you closer "what?" you let out

"I know how she treats you, I know how she troubles you, I know how she makes you suffer, y/n. I know it all" he confessed as you looked at him confused "h-how?" you questioned.

"jake" he answered "he told me everything" he said as you felt stiff "I-I" you stuttered but your body crashed to his chest as he engulfed in a hug "shh, it's alright" he comforted you

"H-Heeseung-" you sniffed "don't talk, y/n" he shushed you knowing that it will be suffocating for you to speak while controlling your tears

but it startled him when you suddenly pushed him away "don't come near me"

his face scrunched hearing those unexpected words coming out of your mouth "what are you saying?" he asked as you roughly wiped your tears and backed away when he tried to come closer "y/n-" "don't" you cut him off

"if you really understood my problems then you would've distant yourself from me so that I won't have any trouble" you said as he looked at you in disbelief

suddenly anger took over him as he pushed you against the locker which took you by surprise

"don't you dare think that I'll ever distant myself from you, Kang y/n" you gulped seeing how his veins had popped up on his neck and hand

"I'm not giving up and neither will you" he stated as you maintained silence, feared if he might get more angrier

"you have to fight for you freedom" he shook you by your arm as you looked up at him when he continued "and I'll fight for our love" he said while he brought his face closer to you

you're heart calmed down for some reason and your eyes seemed to close on their own as you saw him leaning in

your heart was beating fast as a racing car and your cheeks flushed. Heeseung looked at your closed eyes which made him smile but he eventually backed away

not feeling anything, you opened your eyes to see Heeseung now standing a bit far from your body. but the cheeky smile that was plastered on his lips made you even more flustered

you were about to escape from the embarrassing situation but those same hand pulled you back and trapped you between his arms

you stared at his eyes with your doe ones as he spoke

"don't lie to yourself, love"

that was his last line before he finally smashed his lips onto yours. you don't know why but you almost immediately replied to that kiss which caught him by surprise but he was happy as well

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